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Ética e Justiça: O que é o certo a fazer.


The European Parliament Study on Mediation Time and Cost Savings and Effective Mediation Policy. What do facilitators do, really? This great little 4 minute video was published by the International Institute of Facilitation and Change (IIFAC) a few weeks ago. Beatrice Briggs of IIFAC is IAF Director for Latin America & the Carribbean, based in Mexico. It is now available also in Spanish, German, Russian and Chinese. John Miller of ICA Associates in Canada has commented: Muchos Gracias Beatrice! I USED your video in a high school classroom to good effect in less than 25 minutes!! (I was “show and tell” …a guest speaker). 1) Context that models facilitation (topic, importance, purpose, process/agenda, roles…) 2) Show the 4 min video 3) Led a Focused Conversation about the video.

Wish I had 5 more minutes to reflect on what I did to model what’s in the video. What do you think of how the role of the facilitator is presented here, and how might you use the video? Nb: see also Three dimensions of the facilitator role – a focused conversation posted 18 December 2013. Like this: Like Loading... Family mediation.


Konflikt. Interkulturelles. Videos. Am seidenen Faden. Public Hearing feature film. "Esto es la guerra". Groucho y los pensamientos negativos.avi.