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The Local Development E-book. Conversations with God Foundation - My dear friends...

Conversations with God Foundation -

How can we meet the events of our every day life these days with equanimity and inner peace while the planet turns in turmoil over events in Ukraine, in Syria, in Egypt, and around the world? For that matter, how can we reconcile even the events in our own every day lives with the spiritual truth we all seek to embrace and to live? I was asked about this recently --- someone wanted to know how I can possibly face moment-to-moment life in the physical and, as they put it, "still live the CWG wisdom fully. " Soft Skills List - 28 Skills to Working Smart. I originally published this soft skills list in June 2011.

Soft Skills List - 28 Skills to Working Smart

I am honored to discover that more than 500,000 of you have since read my soft skills list and found it helpful. There are 28 soft skills essential to your career success. I wished I knew about many of these earlier in my career. I want to share them so I can empower you to work smart and achieve more. I look forward to your comments. Comunicação Não Violenta Marshall - B. Rosenberg.