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Ruach Israel - Education - MJTI Courses. Issue 17 - Kesher Journal. Kesher 26 treats a number of controversial issues and contexts and reflects many voices. As stated in a previous Kesher editorial, “our journal functions as a forum … to periodically explore our identity as a Messianic Jewish community. Although a diversity of voices express Messianic Jewish identity, our story is still developing and continues to reveal who we are (or will be). As a pluriform movement that values and recognizes a concert of traditions, the Messianic Movement is seeking a shared vision and common trajectory.” What is true of our exploration of Messianic Jewish identity is also true of our study of social and moral issues facing the Messianic Jewish community.

Welcome To Tree Of Life Messianic Congregation Of Knoxville, TN. Messianic Apologetics & The Virgin Birth (Conception) Messianic Jewish apologetics is not that difficult.

Messianic Apologetics & The Virgin Birth (Conception)

Take any argument that a counter-missionary gives you and reduce it to an argument from the Torah, and you will remain standing on the truth every time. The only winning tactic of the counter-missionary is to attack arguments which are themselves not based on a Torah frame of reference. So to win the argument once and for all, take the argument to a Torah frame of reference. If they can’t, then you’ve won already.