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Strisce emanuelesiane. ALEXA MEADE. Dalton Ghetti. Fosco Maraini. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Fosco Maraini

Foto di famiglia Fosco Maraini (Firenze, 15 novembre 1912 – 8 giugno 2004) è stato un etnologo, orientalista, alpinista, fotografo, scrittore e poeta italiano. Biografia[modifica | modifica sorgente] I componenti della spedizione al Gasherbrum IV del 1958. While Darwin Sleeps by Paul Bush (2004) Vintage X-Ray ‘Vinyl’ from Russia. W.C.

Vintage X-Ray ‘Vinyl’ from Russia

Hardy’s “St. Louis Blues” Between the years of 1946 - 1961 one of the only ways to listen to American blues, jazz and rock’n’roll in Russia was to obtain smuggled records, some made on old x-rays. There’s a long article and back story about these interesting x-ray records on, but it’s all in German and a little bit difficult to make sense of using Google Translate. If you got caught with American popular music back then, you could find yourself in a world of hurt. Matematica e Arte: Forme del pensiero artistico.

L'arte della narrazione

Ping Pong (aka. Table Tennis) Fotografia Effetto Kirlian. Jean-Paul Goude.