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Working in Italy

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Corsi di lingue inglese, francese, spagnolo, tedesco. inlingua Italia - scuola di lingue. Inlingua: formazione linguistica globale Ogni anno in tutto il mondo, nelle 355 sedi inlingua presenti in 44 Paesi, migliaia di persone imparano a comunicare in una nuova lingua. Per motivi di studio, per migliorare la propria condizione professionale, per poter affrontare al meglio un viaggio all’estero o per semplice curiosità e passione, sempre più persone si affidano alla quarantennale esperienza inlingua e alla qualità dei nostri servizi di formazione linguistica per raggiungere nel minor tempo possibile i propri obbiettivi. Consulta la pagina delle sedi e contatta quella a te più vicino.

Ti aiutereremo a trovare la soluzione più adatta alle tue esigenze. corsi di inglese... e non solo! Ognuna delle nostre sedi ti offre un’ampia scelta di corsi di lingua: Il tuo corso di lingua non è in questo elenco? Il metodo inlingua: la chiave del nostro (e vostro) successo. Integrando: inlingua è in grado di garantire il massimo dei risultati anche in tempi molto brevi. Employment. Current Employment Openings – 2013-2014 school year Teaching Position - Pre School Teacher - school year 2014 - 2015 (Full Time Position) Edcuation Position - All School Librarian- school year 2014 - 2015 (Full Time Position) Edcuation Position - School Counselor- school year 2014 - 2015 (Full Time Position) Employment opportunities – Information All prospective teaching candidates must possess a US/Canadian/European/Australian teaching credential, a college degree, and have at least two years of teaching experience (preferably including some international experience).

We recruit many of our new teachers through one of the international school recruitment agencies, such as International Schools Service ( or the Council of International Schools (, which hold their main annual recruitment fairs in January – February. We appreciate your interest in ISG! Employment opportunities – Substitutes Employment opportunities – Information for Foreign Hires Overseas Hires.


Schools. Top tips for getting a job teaching English in Italy. Certification. Bureaucracy. Living and Working in Italy - 4th ed. - Survival Books. David Hampshire Living and Working in Italy, first published in 2001 and now in its 4th edition, is the most comprehensive book available about daily life – and is essential reading for newcomers. What’s it really like Living and Working in Italy? Not surprisingly there’s a lot more to life than soccer, spaghetti and scooters! This book is guaranteed to hasten your introduction to the Italian way of life, irrespective of whether you’re planning to stay for a few months or indefinitely. Adjusting to la dolce vita just got a whole lot simpler! "With so many websites and forums with loads of information about living and settling in Italy, it can be very confusing, and subjective, depending on whose tips you are reading and wondering if you can trust the source.

This book is a fantastic wealth of information, with much needed realistic chapers, with everthing from education to healthcare. This book is available in the following formats: Are you familiar with our books? Milano Inglese - trova un insegnante inglese a Milano. Milano Inglese - Home Page. Teaching English in Italy. The following comments are from teachers who have worked, or are currently working, in Italy.

If you are a teacher and have some advice about Italy, please share here. The first bit of advice I can give is that teachers should have a valid working visa for the country. Although Italy is notorious for perpetuating illegal employment, it is in your best interests to ensure that you are legal in that country. Potential employers from the more reputable schools will consider this an essential requirement for the position. Many of the major Italian cities have local street press in English, and there is one in Milan called "EasyMilano".

It contains a wealth of information on things to do and to be done with other people from the ever-growing English speaking community in Milan. Another thing that you must remember to do is report to the local 'questura' or police station upon arrival (I think you have 8 days) with necessary paperwork, and some official stamps. BUT I made some good friends. HOME - Inlingua Genova. Scuola di lingua. Corsi di lingua in inglese e in altre 13 lingue.