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Facebook Twitter Self-Counsel Press: self-help law books, small business books, legal forms, business forms. How would I have my record expunged in Texas? Expungement of Criminal Records Legal Questions & Answers. 04/29/2009 - Category:Criminal - Expungement of Criminal Records - State: TX #16472 Full Question: After being convicted of theft in 1990 and restitution completed, is it possible to get rights restored?

How would I have my record expunged in Texas? Expungement of Criminal Records Legal Questions & Answers

It was a due to a business dispute in another county. Answer: A full pardon restores certain citizenship rights forfeited by law as the result of a criminal conviction, such as the right to serve on a jury, the right to hold public office, and the right to serve as Executor or Administrator of an estate. A full pardon will remove barriers to some, but not all, types of employment and professional licensing. A person who is convicted and who receives a full pardon is entitled under Article 55.01(a)(1)(B) to an expunction of all arrest records relating to the conviction. In past years, Texas law specified that citizens convicted of a felony offense were ineligible to vote in the State of Texas until two years after full discharge of their sentence. The following are TX statutes: (a)

Expungement Handbook - Procedures and Law. Texas Expungement Law - Expungement of Criminal Records - Expungement. 1.

Texas Expungement Law - Expungement of Criminal Records - Expungement

What is an expungement? Upon the petition of a criminal defendant, a court can direct certain law enforcement agencies to destroy all records associated with an arrest and subsequent prosecution. Many times the court will specifically direct law enforcement agencies to destroy jail records, police reports, prosecution reports and court files. In addition, a successful expungement petitioner, can legally deny ever having been arrested for or charged with the criminal offense for which he is receiving the expunction 2. No. 3. Records relating to a complaint dismissed under deferred adjudication under Art. 45.051 CODE CRIM. . § 161.255 HEALTH & SAFETY. (a) An individual convicted of an offense under Section 161.252 may apply to the court to have the conviction expunged.

Records relating to a complaint dismissed under Art. 45.053 CODE CRIM. Under Tex. . (1) the person is tried for the offense for which the person was arrested and is: (B) convicted and subsequently pardoned; or Under Tex. Criminal Law and Procedure Expungement Law. Expungement is the process of legally destroying, obliterating or striking out records or information in files, computers and other depositories relating to criminal charges.

Criminal Law and Procedure Expungement Law

State laws, which vary by state, govern the expungement of criminal records. The records cannot be accessed for general law enforcement or civil use. An expunged record may usually not be considered by any private or public entity in employment matters, certification, licensing, revocation of certification or licensure, or registration. However, some states allow expunged records to be accessed for employment or licensing in certain sensitive positions, such as law enforcement or work involving children or elderly persons.

Expungement of records usually requires a formal request for expungement by the subject person of the records.