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Working in Italy

Vacation rentals, villas, reviews, hotels, restaurants, travel information. Find the information you need to select and book a vacation rental in Italy - a villa in Tuscany, a cottage on a farm in Umbria, an apartment in Rome - everything you need to make your decision is here. We are not affiliated with any vacation rental agencies; this is an independent website and online community where you can learn about a new type of travel. What is Slow Travel? What You Will Find in this Section Photos of Italy: We have thousands of great travel photos. Vacation rentals in Italy, cities and countryside. Use this site to learn more about Slow Travel. Classified Listings Classified Listings: Vacation rental agencies, listings by owner, hotels, B&Bs, travel consultants, tour guides, cooking schools, and more. Slow Travel Community Forums: Meet Other Slow Travelers! Submit Reviews: Send us reviews of vacation rentals, hotels, restaurants.

More about the Slow Travel Community. What's New? - Traveling from Rome to Tarquinia - Secrets of Rome - Traveling from Rome to Urbino. Slow Travel - Traveling with Digital Cameras, photo storage, adapters. > SlowTrav > Europe Trip Planning Janet Zinn There's no doubt that the popularity of digital cameras has increased by leaps and bounds in the last few years. While in many ways digital photography makes our photographic endeavors easier, compared to film, it also brings with it some complications that we never anticipated. So many of us, myself included, naively thought that digital cameras would mean less "stuff" to tote along and fewer complications!

In this article I've tried to give an overview of some of the difficulties that digital photography presents to travelers, and suggest some solutions and tips for coping. Janet's DSLR camera and telephoto lens (used for birding) Before Your Trip Create a checklist Many of us could not survive without a packing list for our clothes and sundries. Check your insurance If you are taking substantial equipment, make sure it is properly insured. List your serial numbers This is a simple, yet crucial step that many don't consider. Buy more memory cards.

Power Converter From U.S.A. to Europe. Driving Directions from Genoa, Italy to Via Triste, Tuglie, Italy | MapQuest. Trieste. Trieste - Panorama - Photo courtesy of ryogt/Wikimedia Trieste is the capital of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region and has a population of close to 260,000. The city is located on the main trade route, leading to the Germans towards the north, Latin countries in the west and to Mediterranean destinations in the south.

The city is internationally known for its mercantile, cultural and artistic heritage. There are several good examples of various architectural styles ranging from a Roman arch and theater, Austrian architecture and even a confluence of various Mediterranean styles. The city had been a very important port in Italy in the 18th century, which has left the city in a beautiful state. Trieste is considered to be one of the most important tourist destinations in the region because of its many important sight seeing attractions.

Getting to Trieste Trieste is a large city and an important tourist center so it is quite easy to reach the city. Moving Around the City Attractions in Trieste. Eurail France and Italy Passes and Train Travel from Euro Railways. European Rail Pass are entitled to a variety of bonuses besides the shipping lines, private rail lines, buses, museums and hotels discounts and lounges on the major train stations. Holders of Eurailpass Flexi, Europass or Eurail Selectpass have to note that a free transportation bonus or shipping line requires use of a travel day; reduction bonuses or reduced shipping lines do not require use of travel day. Rail Pass holders are granted a reduced fare or even free passage on many shipping lines.

For international shipping lines: In general, the Pass must be valid for the country of departure or the country of arrival. When indicated, the Pass must be valid in both countries, or in one specific country. Bonus & Benefits for France A Eurail Pass valid in France is valid with the national railway company SNCF ( and Eurail Aid Offices Gare de Marseille St. Gare de Nice-Ville Mon-Sat: 9:00am - 6:00pm Sun: 9:00am - 5:30pm Gare de Paris-St. A trip to Genova.