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AnthroGuide & eAnthroGuide. Statistical dataA listing of PhD dissertations and Masters theses in anthropology Order 2013-2014 AnthroGuide Now -- AAA Online Store or PDF Order Form AAA eAnthroGuide Looking for a PhD program in Medical Anthropology or for an Anthropologist who studies Mayan Culture? With the AAA eAnthroGuide, your search is over! Or better yet, it has just begun... Search the new eAnthroGuide Online to view more than 800 institutions! A Brief History of the AnthroGuideThe AnthroGuide has been the premiere information source for the study of anthropology since 1962 when the first directory of anthropology programs was published. In 1963, the Executive Board directed a listing of PhD dissertations in anthropology to be published in The AAA Guide to Departments of Anthropology and in 1967 a listing of all AAA members was added (and subsequently dropped the following year), and the departmental program descriptions were expanded.

In 2000, The AAA Guide underwent a major transformation to the web.

Prereq class options

UCL. Durham. Masters Degrees in Archaeology (Conservation) Course search results. Grants. International Academic Projects. Date: 1 September - 31 December 2014 Tutor(s): Velson HorieNumber of participants: 35Price: £775.00 (UK price; shipping extra outside UK) Chemistry for Conservators has been run by IAP for over 20 years, and the coursework is now in its ninth edition. This four month correspondence course is offered two or three times a year. (Please enquire if interested in a different start date from the one shown). This course provides an introduction for people with little (for instance lower school chemistry studied years ago) or no chemistry.

The syllabus is aimed at major conservation issues, e.g. types of materials, the environment, cleaning and deterioration, and is divided into four blocks: 1. The course can provide a good background for those wishing to enter training courses in conservation (indeed several conservation training establishments recommend this course to potential students with insufficient chemistry qualifications).

The course is conducted in English by correspondence. Museum Conservation Institute Art Conservation Training.