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Increase Student Engagement with Skype in the Classroom. Pages Sunday, July 8, 2012 Increase Student Engagement with Skype in the Classroom Guest Post from Lisa Mims.It’s always amazing to me how educators, can grab hold of something that wasn’t developed with us in mind, and make it our own. We have a knack for doing that, and we’ve done it with Skype. With Skype, educators are knocking down classroom walls,allowing our students the chance to hear from experts, and creating global learners.I heard wonderful stories of teachers using Skype in their classrooms, and I envied them.

There are so many ways to use Skype in your classroom, hopefully you will take advantage of at least one! At 1:23 PM Email ThisBlogThis! Labels: educational technology, Free Technology For Teachers, guest posts, Skype, skype in the classroom Links to this post Create a Link Newer PostOlder PostHome LinkWithin. Skype, nouvel allié des enseignants. Parmi les TICE fréquemment utilisées, on cite souvent Internet en premier lieu, puis les outils de partage, blogues et médias sociaux. les applications de communication synchrone et asynchrone viennent derrière.

Parmi les plus connues des applications de communication synchrone se trouve Skype, utilisé par des centaines de millions de personnes de par le monde. Pour stimuler son utilisation dans un cadre éducatif, Skype offre depuis la fin mars 2011 un service de mise en relation d'enseignants et de classes partout dans le monde. Skype in the classroom se veut un point de rencontre international pour les enseignants des Amériques, d’Europe, d’Afrique, d’Asie et d’Océanie. Communiquer, collaborer, s’inspirer « Skype in the classroom » peut être utilisé de trois façons différentes. Collaboration sur projets. Communication entre enseignants. Partage de documents pédagogiques. Skype in the classroom. Mon correspondant 2.0. Tutoriel Skype. Skype Explained Visually. Tuto Skype: Tutoriels pour apprendre Skype. Skype in the classroom. 50 Interesting Ways To Use Skype In Your Classroom. How To Use Vine In The Classroom 2.89K Views 0 Likes Students can quickly create their very own six-second videos for free.

Here's a quick look at using Vine in the classroom for active learning. 10 Ways To Become A Better Online Learner 7.43K Views 0 Likes There are some quick and easy ways to become a better online learner. Whether you're taking a class or just researching, here are the DOs and DON'Ts. 50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom. Written By: Jillian Terry Skype is a free and easy way for teachers to open up their classroom and their students to a world way beyond their campus. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways. Teachers and parents can also benefit from Skype in the classroom. Read below to learn how you can take advantage of the power of Skype in your classroom. Promoting Education These great ideas are all about teaching students in dynamic ways.

See Me, Hear Me: Skype in the Classroom. Promoting Community Using Skype in the classroom can promote communities within a school or globally. Inclusion — helping a classmate join the classroom from home. Skype Ideas for Teachers and Parents Teachers and parents can benefit from Skype in the classroom, too. Professional development. Resources for Getting Started and Using Skype Find out how you can take advantage of Skype with the advice below. Finding Others Using Skype ePALS. 50 Powerful Ways To Use Skype In The Classroom. Added by Katie Lepi on 2012-11-15 Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms : One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. The program’s official site provides some great opportunities to meet up with like-minded teachers and students sharing the same goals. Practice a foreign language : Connect with individual learners or classrooms hailing from a different native tongue can use a Skype collaboration to sharpen grammar and pronunciation skills through conversation.

Peace One Day : Far beyond classroom collaborations, the Peace One Day initiative teamed up with Skype itself and educators across the globe to teach kids about the importance of ending violence, war, and other social ills. Communicate! Connect! Art crits : Schedule time with professional artists and receive thorough crits about how to improve a piece. Comments are closed. The Complete Guide to The Use of Skype in Education. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has been diligently engaged over the last couple of weeks in writing a series of simple and easy to use guides to help teachers and educators better leverage the use of technology in education and empower them with the necessary tools to better carry out this task. What started as a simple guide on the use of social networking, expanded to be a series of similar guides covering blogging, personal learning networks, Evenote, Facebook and iPad in education.

Our purpose is to give hand to both novice and experienced teachers in integrating technology within their classrooms. We are still working on several other guides which will be posted here intermittently and there will be a comprehesive ebook that will contain all these guides, so stay tuned. Today's guide is about Skype and here is the outline : What is Skype ?

Some features of Skype What do I need to use Skype ? What is Skype ? What do I need to use Skype To use Skype you need to : Webliography. Conseils pour l’utilisation de Skype en classe. 25 Stratégies d’apprentissage collaboratif, conseils et techniques et les techniques de gestion de classe d’enseignement sont fournis pour aider les enseignants et les élèves à l’aide de Skype. Skype est un logiciel qui permet aux enseignants et aux élèves de communiquer avec d’autres enseignants et les étudiants partout dans le monde à l’aide de l’Internet. Skype est utilisé pour faire des appels voix et vidéo gratuits, envoyer des messages instantanés et partager des fichiers avec d’autres classes ou les enseignants. Ce programme fournit également une des méthodes optimales pour permettre aux élèves de travailler en collaboration avec d’autres étudiants du monde entier. À l’aide de Skype, c’est l’occasion pour les élèves dans une classe de langue étrangère pour se connecter avec les classes dans d’autres pays à mettre en pratique leurs compétences linguistiques.

Poser des questions d’experts ou de personnes-ressources communautaires. Skype in the classroom. Literacy and Skype. We Learn Best From People I have a few grade two students in my classroom this year for the first time in half a dozen years. Since the last time I had a grade one/two split, the curriculum has changed. Naturally, I have spent time reading through the grade two curriculum. But when I have specific questions about what my seven year olds need to know, I don’t usually try to find the answer in the curriculum. I just walk across the hall and ask the grade two teacher. My students learn best from people as well. I’ve noticed this online as well. Because I want this best learning, we often use Skype as a learning tool.

OK… But Literacy? Skype is also one of the tools in my literacy instruction. Many times, teachers or others have taken the time to read my class a story or poem via Skype. Can you teach literacy with Skype?