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Research funding

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Go local. IEE - Institut d'Études Européennes - Institute for European Studies. European University Institute - Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research in the Social Sciences. Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS. Om Internasjonale stipend (IS) - IS. IS tilbyr stipender til studenter og forskere som ønsker et faglig opphold i utlandet.

Om Internasjonale stipend (IS) - IS

Våre aktiviteter omfatter både personlige stipender og støtte til mobilitet og nettverksbygging mellom Norge og andre land. Joint Research Centre - JRC. ERAWATCH: Home. Dissertation Fieldwork Grants. Dissertation Fieldwork Grants are awarded to aid doctoral or thesis research.

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants

The program contributes to the Foundation's overall mission to support basic research in anthropology and to ensure that the discipline continues to be a source of vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of humanity's cultural and biological origins, development, and variation. The Foundation supports research that demonstrates a clear link to anthropological theory and debates, and promises to make a solid contribution to advancing these ideas.

There is no preference for any methodology, research location, or subfield. The Foundation particularly welcomes proposals that employ a comparative perspective, can generate innovative approaches or ideas, and/or integrate two or more subfields. The maximum amount of the Dissertation Fieldwork Grant is US $20,000. For more detailed information on program requirements, application procedures, and review criteria, please refer to the links below: Open Society Foundations. Stipendbasen - EURAXESS. Erasmus Mundus Programme 2009-2013. Home. The Belgian portal for Research and Innovation - Funding Organisations. Temaoversikt og Forskningsrådets kontakter - Norges forskningsråd. EUs 7. rammeprogram - Norges forskningsråd. Gjennom Marie Curie Actions utlyser programmet People enkeltstipender, bidrag til mobilitetsstøtte, støtte til nettverk for å finansiere doktorstudenter og returstipend.

People er et særprogram under EUs rammeprogram. Programmet støtter både unge forskere tidlig i karrieren, viderekomne og meriterte forskere. Programmet lyser ut midler gjennom Marie Curie Actions. Enkeltstipender søkes av forsker sammen med vertsinstitusjon, nettverksmidler søkes av konsortier med minst tre deltakere fra tre forskjellige EU-medlemsland eller assosierte stater (som Norge). Yngre forskere (ph.d-studenter og tilsvarende) kan søke direkte på stillinger via EURAXESS. Networks of RIs funded under FP7 - Research Infrastructures - Research. European Commission - Education & Training. Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation : Checklist.

De Der Praktische Leitfaden für Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten von Forschung und Innovation durch die EU lieferte Informationen über EU-Programme, die 2013 ausgelaufen sind.

Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation : Checklist

Dieser Leitfaden ist jetzt auf dem Teilnehmerportal neben aktuellen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten unter Horizont 2020 erhältlich. en The Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation provided information related to EU programmes that ended in 2013. The guide is now on the Participant Portal , alongside current funding opportunities under Horizon 2020. es La «Guía práctica sobre oportunidades de financiación de la UE para investigación e innovación» ofrecía información relativa a programas de la UE concluidos en 2013. Esta guía se encuentra ahora alojada en el Portal del participante , donde se publican las actuales oportunidades de financiación emanadas de Horizonte 2020.