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Sustainable Ocean Ecology - The Key to Feature Food Security - Farm Management Software. 26 total views , 4 views today Sustainable Ocean Ecology by Farmsio – The Key to future of food security.

Sustainable Ocean Ecology - The Key to Feature Food Security - Farm Management Software

The growing human population, increase in per capita income and the global shift in the interest for nutritious food is considering raising the demand for Aquatic food resources. As you know marine species feed 17-18% of the world’s population. This we can classify into Fresh Water Aquaculture, that is inland freshwater fisheries and Seafood, that is the foods from the sea and marine resources. Resource constraints like availability of land, proper water quality of required quantity exist. Top 6 Technology in Agriculture for Yield Enhancement. Home. Climate Smart Agriculture Resilient Practices. FARMSIO has developed innovative and digitalised farm management software using Climate Smart Agriculture for the benefit of the stakeholders in the food value chain.

Climate Smart Agriculture Resilient Practices

The technology for agricultural solutions are built on the premises of sustainable agriculture with a focus on conserving energy and resources in farming, market linkages for integrating the stakeholders on both down and upstream of the food supply chain, food traceability to optimise the input resources, quality and quantity of them used and above all the climate-smart agriculture adaptability and appropriate farming practices to thwart the risks. The mitigation measures in the climatic risks are classified into: Importance of Corp Insurance Life Cycle. 19 total views , 5 views today Importance of Crop Insurance Life Cycle by Farmsio.

Importance of Corp Insurance Life Cycle

Agriculture is a Food and livelihood economy based sector, that involves almost 65% of the global population (refer to article). Natural Uncertain conditions like weather, poor or erratic rainfall, humidity, drought, flood, fire, pest attack, plant-related diseases etc are the common problems faced by farm producers across the world. The Importance of Food Traceability in The Agro Industry - Farm Management Software. 52 total views , 7 views today Food Traceability is the ability to trace and follow the food produced or processing that passed through all stages of production and distribution through the value chain.

The Importance of Food Traceability in The Agro Industry - Farm Management Software

So is also called the ability to trace the history of various farm inputs applied to produce the product or the process it underwent during the production, packing, or supply chain. “It is known that Food Traceability involves Identifying the origin of the food, ingredients applied and food source.” Accrediting the food exporters through traceability and digital Certification.. Top 6 Technologies in Agriculture for Yield Enhancements.. (1) Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Finance - Farm Management Software. Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Finance - Farm Management Software. Technology can empower farmers to beat COVID blues : Farmsio - Agri Solution. Technology can empower farmers to beat COVID blues COVID pandemic has created an unprecedented level of disruption across the world.

Technology can empower farmers to beat COVID blues : Farmsio - Agri Solution

The sheer nature of the event has pressed the reset button on many traditional practices. From manufacturing to the services sector, this black swan event has brought in a paradigm shift in their operating models. In this context, the agriculture sector is no exception. Sustainable Spices Production. How Farm Management Software enables Smart Supply Chain Visibility and Transparency during Covid Crisis? - MY SITE. Mapping Global Agro Ecological Zones for Better Production. A Pledge to work together to tackle Carbon Leakage. Agriculture's Solution to Climate Change. Follow us farmsio. Traceability makes food Quality chains reliable. How Farmsio uses Modern Technology (IoT) to transform agriculture value chain (1) Impact of FMS in the SCM during Covid-19 Crisis : Farmsio - Agri Solution. Impact of FMS in the SCM during Covid-19 Crisis The shift from the traditional agricultural methods to modern farming practices in alternative agribusiness activity is driving the demand for Climate-Smart Farming System.

Impact of FMS in the SCM during Covid-19 Crisis : Farmsio - Agri Solution

Thus Farmsio has come up with the customizable Farm Management Software to enable Digital Agriculture Supply Chain Management Visibility and Transparency during the Covid-19 Crisis. Farmsio Agro Supply Chain Management Solutions are primarily concerned about the flow of material, funds, and information across the value chain from the farm producer, till it is consumed by the consumer with the proper value addition at the different stages of the Agriculture supply chain. Sustainable Ocean Ecology — The Key to Feature Food Security. Importance of Crop Insurance - Life Cycle : Farmsio - Agri Solution. Importance of Crop Insurance - Life Cycle Importance of Crop Insurance Life Cycle by Farmsio.

Importance of Crop Insurance - Life Cycle : Farmsio - Agri Solution

Agriculture is a Food and livelihood economy based sector, that involves almost 65% of the global population (refer to article). Natural Uncertain conditions like weather, poor or erratic rainfall, humidity, drought, flood, fire, pest attack, plant-related diseases etc are the common problems faced by the /farm producers/ across the world. Sustainable Ocean Ecology - The Key to Feature Food Security. Farmsio. Technology can empower farmers to beat COVID blues. COVID pandemic has created an unprecedented level of disruption across the world.

Technology can empower farmers to beat COVID blues

The sheer nature of the event has pressed the reset button on many traditional practices. From manufacturing to the services sector, this black swan event has brought in a paradigm shift in their operating models. Digital Agriculture 2. Connecting Farmers to the Experts. Farms.