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Papaya-Berry Yogurt Parfait - 20 Sweet Snacks Under 200 Calories - Healthy Snacks - Healthy, Fast Weeknight Dinners. Thanksgiving Recipes | Turkey, Potatoes, Pies and More. Power Foods + Nutrition. Diminutive in size, brussels sprouts are nutritional giants, packed with nutrients that benefit the heart, boost the immune system, and promote healthy, resilient skin.

A member of the phytochemical-heavy cruciferous family, sprouts also contain a wealth of glucosinolates, thought to fight cancer. (They also give the sprouts that pungent smell when they're cooked.) Isothiocyanates, a by-product of these sulfurous compounds, trigger the liver to produce detoxifying enzymes that aid in the elimination of potential carcinogens.

Research has shown that eating cruciferous vegetables may reduce the risk of premenopausal breast cancer. Need more reasons to love them? These baby cabbages are also loaded with vitamin A, which promotes a strong immune system, as well as fiber, vitamin C, and folate. Get this Recipe: Shredded Brussels Sprouts. Diet + Weight Loss. Fit to Eat. Recipes & Menus. Special Diets. Recipes.