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Re-purposing: Tshirts into 5-strand-braided-headbands. I was walking through Target a few weeks ago and noticed this little knit fabric headband that was not just braided together…….but woven. I decided they were charging way too much for something that could be made with t-shirt scraps. And that means free. So there you have it. A nice and easy project to give my bad-hair-day head some love. (Or you may need one for working out. I kinda love it on my little girl . She always has little hair fly-aways that get into her face…….and this helps with that problem.

It even works great with her hair down…..and keeps that hair tucked behind her ears. And yep, good for me too. Thanks little t-shirt scraps. Want to make your own? First, find some old t-shirts. Then, cut your fabric into long strips. Next, stack your 5 strips on top of each other and sew together at one end. Now, pull on each strip of fabric so that they kind of curl on the edges. But let me explain a little better. First, you’ll work on the left side. And that’s it. This post is sponsored by: Find out about Braids: Our Top 7 Picks. By kenziepoo | It’s so hard to believe that fall will be upon us soon. If you are like me you will be in desperate need of what’s in for hair this fall. I have news for you braids will be so in. We have picked out a few of our favorite braids for fall.

Keep reading after the jump to view our favorite Braids! Nggallery id=’121177′ Milkmaid Braid You can't go wrong with a Dutch Milkmaid Braid Tucked Braid Try this pretty tucked braid for an evening out. Milkmaid braid via here Tucked Braid via here French Braid Cascading Hair via here Side Braid with Turban via here Undone Braid via here Braided Pigtails via here Can’t do braids due to your shorter ‘do? The 26 most disturbing kids movies…EVER The 7 WORST things to say to your kid 25 totally clever storage tips and tricks 25 powerful photos of women giving birth 20 must-have products for families on the go. Braided Headband Tutorial. It's chilly outside here today and I'm loving it! I enjoyed every minute of reaching into the closet and pulling out soft cozy blankets, snuggling up on the couch with my blanket and laptop to check my e-mail this morning...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of temps below 40 degrees, but a high of 65, I'll take it! Anyway.... on with the tutorial. Here is what we are making today! What you need- Thick hair tie Six 1" strips of fabric Bulldog clip or safety pin Sewing machine (or needle and thread) Fabric tac I ripped my fabric strips so they were a bit frayed on the edges, personal choice. Tack each end of the braid just enough that it doesn't come undone .

Then tack both braids together on each end, be careful not to twist the braids. Cut your hair tie so it's one strip of elastic. Sandwich your elastic ends between the ends of your braids on each end, again, careful not to twist the braids. Sew over the elastic so that it's secure. Your done! Enjoy! Maegan: hair tutorials Fashion+Home+Lifestyle. DIY Bejeweled Hair Combs | Pretty Brooches for your Hair I fell in love with hair combs the other day after writing 18 Statement Hair Combs | Brooches for your Hair and was totally… Faux Fringe Hair Tutorial… Bangs w/out Cutting your Hair… BlogHer asked if I wouldn’t mind choosing a video from their vast inventory of BlogHerTV segments and recreate one of the beauty or hair… Hair Tutorial + Video: High French Twist Faux Hawk… A few weeks ago I styled my hair in this high French twist {featured in this outfit post} and had requests for an instructional… Hair Tutorial | Big Floppy Hair Bow | Gaga in Real Life I know I’ve seen hair tutorials for the little half ponytail hair bow and for the Lady Gaga top-o-the-head style hair bow, but I… Camp Beverly Hills got me Feellin’ 1987 What I’m Wearing * Camp Beverly Hills sweatshirt c/o Camp BH {I got it a size larger to fit a little oversized}* Purple jeans… DIY Hanging Chains Headband | Bohemian Coachella Hair The Hunger Games French Braid.

How to Make Girls' Hair Wraps" Hair wrapping is a really fun thing girls can do when they get together. Hip Hopping Hair Wrapping is a girls' hair wrap project perfect for slumber parties. Girls can choose their favorite colors and express their style in five easy steps with this wearable craft. What You'll Need: 1 yard of each color of floss you want to use (we used 2 colors) How to Make Hip Hopping Hair Wrapping: Step 1: Take a small section of hair (about the width of a penny) from behind the ear along the hairline. Holding both colors together, tie a double knot with the floss around the hair strand. Step 2: Split the colors apart. Step 3: Circle the other long end of floss around behind the strand.

Step 4: Continue with one color until you are ready to switch colors. Step 5: Continue to wrap, loop, and tighten knots. Option: To add a bead, be sure the bead has a large enough hole to slide onto the hair strand. Thread the hair and the floss through the folded end of the wire and push the bead onto the hair. Maegan: * Faux Bob Hair Tutorial * Fashion+Home+Lifestyle. HAIR: How to get Vintage Style Curls without Heat! How To Style Maiden Braids. Last month I did a makeover story with Kelsie and had many requests for a maiden braid tutorial. Yesterday she came in and we photographed these simple step by steps. Kelsie has extremely long and thick hair, but anyone with shoulder length or longer can do these braids (see my photo below for an example).

Steps 1-2: Braid two strands on each side of a center part. Steps 3-5: Wrap braids around the crown of your head and pin in place with one pin each. Step 6: Arrange braids so that they cover the front of your head like a headband. Pin into place more securely until you feel comfortable. Steps 7-8: Pull the rest of the hair into a ponytail and pin it into a cute messy bun. Step 9: Add final pins and spray.