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Grammar Ninja. Self access exercises. Tu Ingles! podcast de Tu Ingles! Special podcast for Spanish speakers of English. Special podcast for Spanish speakers of English This podcast outlines issues that native Spanish speakers often have with pronunciation of English. View our Spanish Language Ebooks! Sound lists mentioned during this podcast for Spanish speakers Fricatives voiced th sound word list unvoiced th sound word list z sound word list s sound word list v sound word list zh sound word list sh sound word list r sounds and l sound ar sound word list air sound word list schwa+r sound word list or sound sound word list r sound word list l sound word list Affricates ch sound word list j sound word list Glides (semi-vowels) y sound word list Stops t sound word list d sound word list p sound word list b sound word list g sound word list k sound word list Vowels short i sound word list long e sound word list short a sound word list long a sound word list long i sound word list long o sound word list long u sound word list oo sound word list aw sound word list Transcript I know this was a lot of information.

Bye-bye. Grammar movies.
