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MINI ALBUM DESESTRUCTURADO. Glosario de Scrapbooking. LES PROPONGO UN RETO PARA OCTUBRE ya hice el sorteo!!!! Ok chicas... los ejemplos son en cartón, vamos a hacer uno más flaquito en cartulina opalina, así que vayan eligiendo las ilustraciones (que pueden buscar en internet, las imprimen, recortan e iluminan); o pueden emplear sellitos alusivos al tema del mes, o embellishments: stickers, flores, figuras de fieltro, lo que se les ocurra (les sugiero algunos temas, ustedes pueden elegir los que gusten). enero: invierno, reyes magos febrero: mes del amor y la amistad marzo: primavera abril: vacaciones, día del niño mayo: mes de la madre, de las flores junio: conclusión de cursos escolares, inicio del verano julio: vacaciones de verano, playa... Julio: playa agosto: lluvias septiembre: regreso a clases. Octubre: otoño, halloween noviembre: día de muertos, diciembre: navidad Les propongo este template, como guía: los ovalos negros son los hoyitos de la perforadora.

El calendario mediría 6 pulgadas por 6 pulgadas; aunque pueden variar el tamaño si lo consideran más apropiado. Glosario de Scrapbooking. MINI ALBUM DESESTRUCTURADO. Scrapbook. El scrapbook o scrapbooking es una técnica basada en la utilización de retales o recortes, que en sus orígenes se empleaba para decorar y personalizar álbumes de fotos. Un poco de historia... Los antecedentes de esta técnica se remontan a 1769, año en que escritores como William Granjer empezaron a utilizarla para sus libros. En 1826, John Poole publica "Manuscript Gleanings and Literary Scrapbook", un manual sobre cómo escribir poesías y otros textos con scraps, es decir, recortes. Más adelante, con la aparición de la fotografía, el scrapbook experimenta una gran evolución. Hoy en día, sólo en Estados Unidos hay más de 25 millones de scrapbookers o aficionados a esta técnica, y en Europa cada vez somos más los que nos vamos "enganchando" a ella.

Muchos ilustradores e ilustradoras de literatura infantil utilizan esta técnica. Materiales para trabajar el scrapbook: Mi librito de recuerdos: Ahora os quiero mostrar un librito de scrapbook hecho por mí. 1. 2. 3. Decorando con Washi Tape | Todo lo que podes hacer con washi tape. Blog} :: Illustration & Design, Digital Scrapbooking, Free Fonts, Tutorials and more! April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day and being that I have a little dude with Aspergers, I wanted to create a card for it :) Click the link below the image to save the full 3×4″ free for personal use version. Enjoy! ♥mt it’s NO joke!

Enjoy 75% off almost everything in my SugarHill shop for 24 hours only! Exclusions apply – see my shop for pricing. Happy April Fools Day! Thank you all so much for your lovely comments on my Hello Sunshine collection for Lawn Fawn! Congratulations KATE! (check your inbox for an email from me!) Brand NEW font in my shop – MTF Mr. & Mrs. Have an awesome weekend! 14 Days of FREE Valentine’s Printables » Day 14… Happy Valentine’s Day!!! 52 Reasons I Love You Valentine’s Printable {3.5×2.5″ mini book} Enjoy :o) ♥mt. On The Surface. A while back you may have heard me mention my participation in this year's Sketchbook Project by Art House Co-op. I've been busy working on it every chance that I get and posting to Instagram using the #sketchbookproject2013 hashtag.

These are the first high resolution photos I have taken of my progress. So far I have completed the cover and 14 pages. At the time I took these photos and edited them I wasn't done with pages 12-14 so they aren't included in this post but you can see the sneak peeks on Instagram. My theme as you can tell by my cover is My Memoir. I wasn't sure where to go with this at first, but then I put pen to paper and it just flowed. It's actually really therapeutic to put things down on paper that have hurt or damaged me in some way. These hardships are what make us who we are, what shape our souls. I have to say that I am (or was) a little hesitant to share these things. One of my favorite quotes is 'The creative child is the child who survived'.

Photo Books, Photo Cards, Scrapbooks, Yearbooks and Calendars | Mixbook. Product Spotlight & Freebie Friday: Pink Paislee Vintage Vogue Collection Week 1…Enter To Win! This week’s Freebie Friday Give-Away comes from the Pink Paislee collection called “Vintage Vogue”. We’re giving away a set of six Vintage Vogue 12″ x 12″ double sided patterned papers, and a package of Vintage Vogue Ephemera. For today’s Freebie Friday Video Tutorial, Tracy has created this “Friends” card using paper and elements from the Vintage Vogue Collection: Download the pdf handout here You can watch Tracy’s video here: In addition to the Friends card Tracy also created this Timeless Treasures card.

This project features the Vintage Vogue Ephemera by Pink Paislee. We have a video tutorial and pdf handout for the Timeless Treasures card available to our Paper Crafter’s Library members. If you are not already receiving our weekly email newsletter, make sure you take a minute to sign up from the top right sidebar of our blog. And now, the winner of last week’s Sweet Tooth prize pack: is……… Congratulations Lucy! How to enter this week’s giveaway: Page corner bookmark for kids in Ideas for kids' crafts. *The Graphics Fairy LLC* Granny Art. Free Digital Scrapbooking Gallery - Scraplifter’s Challenge. *e*: mini art journal challenge. So sorry you guys...this beingsickwhilebreastfeedingsickneedybaby thing hasn't been fun. or left me with much energy to create/blog! But i did quickly crank out a card tonight. laying in bed sick does provide time to think (in between ga-ga-ing at my cute babe and answering endless questions from my curious 4 year old)...and something sort of hit me over the head - that lately, i really feel comfy and happy in this 'place' that i'm in. something i've been seeking for a long time. instead of dwelling on what i used to have, or dreaming of what i want to have, i'm content with it all right now. and i'm proud that i am!

It's only been, geez, 9 years to get me here?!! This week's prompt is: self realisationwhat have you come to discover about yourself lately? Or, think of a time in your life that you had a 'brick over the head' moment, and journal about that. will check out cards tomorrow as i lay in bed some more! Scrapbook Challenge blogs. Scrapbook Contests. Contests can be a fun outlet for sharing your favorite scrapbook layouts. Source Scrapbook contests provide a great opportunity to earn prizes and recognition for doing what you love. About Scrapbooking Contests Have you ever wondered where those beautiful layouts you see in magazines, newsletters, idea books, and scrapbook websites come from?

In many cases, these layouts are published as the result of a scrapbooking contest. Do I have to give up my original layout? Generally, entering a scrapbook contest will involve submitting a scanned image of your layout or sending a color copy directly to the sponsor. What can I win? Prizes for scrapbook contests vary, but may include: Publication of your layoutA gift certificate to a particular scrapbook store or a predetermined prize package of suppliesA small cash prizeA spot on the sponsor's design teamA chance to write an article for the sponsor's newsletter or website How do they choose the winning layouts? Finding Contests for Scrapbookers. Scrapbooking Made Simple is everything Sizzix. Jenni Bowlin Studio. Express the Moment. BEST FREE DIGITAL SCRAPBOOK. Far Far Hill.

Freebies. We supply free digital downloads to our customers. Not our customer? Please reconsider, your memories are worth it! Digital files are the property of Persnickety Prints, inc. Credit is not required. Printing Referrals are appreciated! Persnickety Prints Freebies are designed at 300dpiGraphics are embedded with an sRGB color profile♥ Our software reads your sRGB color profile connect with us: facebook I twitter I instagram I pinterest I blog I news. Household Items. Free Digital Scrapbooking & PS. Spellbinders Impressabilities Templates. My Craft Spot.