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Busybox-python Docker image. In my last post I demonstrated how to build a minimal Docker image for the cron-container. All in all this approach works pretty well for the described use case. Following this road I wanted to use aws-cli for periodical AWS infrastructure updates. The aws command line tool is implemented in Python which needs to be installed inside the container. I found the python base images which provides the interpreter but comes with a massive overhead. The container became kind of huge for a simple script (the python:2-slim image has a size of approx. 200mb). Searching around pointed me to Pyrun - a static linked Python binary of 11mb size. In combination with progrium/busybox the container becomes much smaller. So far so good. I tried hard but wasn’t able to overcome the SSL/TLS termination problems with the progrium/busybox base image.

Busybox is the best approach to implement small Docker base images I know (please point me to alternatives). How to build a Docker base image from scratch? GitHub - progrium/busybox: Busybox container with glibc+opkg. GitHub - jimmidyson/docker-nginx-busybox. ‘Hello World’ with WSGI. I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) and its benefits over the last six months or so and I’ve been meaning to take a look — not least because of the potential to use wsgi middleware to make a nice front-controller for KForge. First Stop A quick google takes me to: I’m looking to just write the proverbial ‘hello world’ app at this stage.

Most of the references are bit too high level (or complex) for me (though this one is an exception). So here I’m going to detail my experiences of familiarizing myself with wsgi by writing the classic ‘hello world’ app (if you looking to do something more sophisticated with wsgi check out a toolkit such as paste or pylons the framework built on top of paste). Hello World 1. Wsgiref is the wsgi reference implementation that is now part of python 2.5 standard library.

. $ sudo easy_install wsgiref 2. 3. Start the server: $ python Then visit Bingo! 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. . #! Serving static files with WSGI and Python 3. Two Factor Authentication with Flask - In this article I'm going to introduce an authentication scheme known as two factor authentication. As the name implies, this method requires the user to provide two forms of identification: a regular password and a one-time token. This greatly increases account security, because a compromised password alone is not enough to gain access, an attacker also needs to have the token, which is different every time. You can see me do a short demonstration of this technique in the video above. As usual, this article includes a complete example that implements this authentication technique in a Flask application. You may think this is going to be an advanced article that needs complex cryptographic techniques, specialized hardware and/or proprietary libraries, but in reality it requires none of the above.

The solution is relatively simple to add if you already have username and password authentication in place, and can be done entirely with open standards and open-source software. The User Model. Docker-nginx/Dockerfile at 8921999083def7ba43a06fabd5f80e4406651353 · nginxinc/docker-nginx. Docker-nginx/Dockerfile at 8921999083def7ba43a06fabd5f80e4406651353 · nginxinc/docker-nginx. Library/nginx - Docker Hub. For more information about this image and its history, please see the relevant manifest file (library/nginx). This image is updated via pull requests to the docker-library/official-images GitHub repo. For detailed information about the virtual/transfer sizes and individual layers of each of the above supported tags, please see the repos/nginx/ file in the docker-library/repo-info GitHub repo.

Nginx (pronounced "engine-x") is an open source reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols, as well as a load balancer, HTTP cache, and a web server (origin server). The nginx project started with a strong focus on high concurrency, high performance and low memory usage. It is licensed under the 2-clause BSD-like license and it runs on Linux, BSD variants, Mac OS X, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, as well as on other *nix flavors. It also has a proof of concept port for Microsoft Windows. hosting some simple static content exposing the port Issues. Client API - docker-py Documentation. To instantiate a Client class that will allow you to communicate with a Docker daemon, simply do: >>> from docker import Client >>> cli = Client(base_url=' Params: base_url (str): Refers to the protocol+hostname+port where the Docker server is hosted.version (str): The version of the API the client will use.

Specify 'auto' to use the API version provided by the server.timeout (int): The HTTP request timeout, in seconds.tls (bool or TLSConfig): Equivalent CLI options: docker --tls ...user_agent (str): Set a custom user agent for requests to the server. attach The .logs() function is a wrapper around this method, which you can use instead if you want to fetch/stream container output without first retrieving the entire backlog. container (str): The container to attach tostdout (bool): Get STDOUTstderr (bool): Get STDERRstream (bool): Return an iteratorlogs (bool): Get all previous output Returns (generator or str): The logs or output for the image build commit containers. Docker-machine direct install on Ubuntu with curl getting permission denied with sudo.

Dghubble/python3 · Quay. How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 16.04. Products: Python: eGenix PyRun - One file Python Runtime. eGenix PyRun™ combines a Python interpreter with an almost complete Python standard library into a single easy-to-use executable. Including Python 3.4 and 3.5 support ! Version: 2.2.3 Introduction eGenix PyRun™ is our open source, one file, no installation version of Python, making the distribution of a Python interpreter to run Python based scripts and applications to Unix based systems simple and efficient. eGenix PyRun's executable only needs 11MB for Python 2 and 13MB for Python 3, but still supports most Python applications and scripts - and it can be compressed to just 3-4MB using upx, if needed.

Compared to a regular Python installation of typically 100MB on disk, eGenix PyRun is ideal for applications and scripts that need to be distributed to containers, VMs, clusters, client installations, customers or end-users. It makes "installing" Python on a Unix based system as simple as copying a single file. eGenix PyRun Talk at EuroPython 2012 Features System Requirements Licensing Books . #!

. . . Building a Python 3 REST application that scales “good enough” CLI Quickstart Guide Arukas with Python – Arukas. Putting Bottle in a Container: Docker and Bottle - Idol Star Astronomer. This is part 3 of a series of articles on Docker. Please feel free to read part 1 and part 2. It's been a while since I last wrote about Docker. Part of that is because I took a vacation and drove back and forth across the country. My phone managed to keep a record of the trip, though it appears that it didn't update between Gary, IN and Laramie, WY on the way back.

The other thing that I wanted to do was get more familiar with using Docker and Bottle together before I started writing about it. What is this Bottle of which you speak? Bottle is a python micro web-framework. If you want to learn more about Bottle, I suggest your read the tutorial. I find Bottle extremely useful for writing application API layers in microservices architectures, however there is support for templates, so Bottle can run a full-fledged web application front-end server. Making a base image I found it useful to start by making a base image for by Bottle projects. Docker pull devries/bottle A Hello World application. Install Docker and run hello-world - Docker. Step 1: Get Docker¶ Docker for Mac¶ Docker for Mac is our newest offering for the Mac. It runs as a native Mac application and uses xhyve to virtualize the Docker Engine environment and Linux kernel-specific features for the Docker daemon. Get Docker for Mac Requirements Mac must be a 2010 or newer model, with Intel’s hardware support for memory management unit (MMU) virtualization; i.e., Extended Page Tables (EPT) macOS 10.10.3 Yosemite or newer At least 4GB of RAM VirtualBox prior to version 4.3.30 must NOT be installed (it is incompatible with Docker for Mac).

Docker Toolbox for the Mac If you have an earlier Mac that doesn’t meet the Docker for Mac prerequisites, get Docker Toolbox for the Mac. See Docker Toolbox Overview for help on installing Docker with Toolbox. Docker for Windows¶ Docker for Windows is our newest offering for PCs. Get Docker for Windows 64bit Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise and Education (1511 November update, Build 10586 or later). Docker Toolbox for Windows. GitHub - blebo/docker-bottlebase: Creates a Docker container image for bottle, Python 3.4, virtualenv, uwsgi, nginx and Ubuntu 14.04. Docker-hub-images/Dockerfile at master · arukasio/docker-hub-images. Docker-bottlebase/Dockerfile at master · blebo/docker-bottlebase. GitHub - walkr/nanoservice: nanoservice is a small Python library for writing lightweight networked services using nanomsg.

Python - Using the multiprocessing module for cluster computing. Sockets - interprocess communication in python. Creating super small docker images | Yaser Martinez | Personal blog. Get Started with Docker Engine. Kubernetes - Hello World Walkthrough. Edit This Page Introduction The goal of this codelab is for you to turn a simple Hello World node.js app into a replicated application running on Kubernetes. We will show you how to take code that you have developed on your machine, turn it into a Docker container image, and then run that image on Google Container Engine. Here’s a diagram of the various parts in play in this codelab to help you understand how pieces fit with one another. Use this as a reference as we progress through the codelab; it should all make sense by the time we get to the end. Kubernetes is an open source project which can run on many different environments, from laptops to high-availability multi-node clusters, from public clouds to on-premise deployments, from virtual machines to bare metal.

Setup and Requirements If you don’t already have a Google Account (Gmail or Google Apps), you must create one. Remember the project ID; it will be referred to later in this codelab as PROJECT_ID. Create your Node.js application. Introduction to Pika — pika 0.10.0 documentation. IO and Event Looping¶ As AMQP is a two-way RPC protocol where the client can send requests to the server and the server can send requests to a client, Pika implements or extends IO loops in each of its asynchronous connection adapters. These IO loops are blocking methods which loop and listen for events.

Each asynchronous adapters follows the same standard for invoking the IO loop. The IO loop is created when the connection adapter is created. To start an IO loop for any given adapter, call the connection.ioloop.start() method. If you are using an external IO loop such as Tornado’s IOLoop, you invoke it as you normally would and then add the adapter to it. Example: Continuation-Passing Style¶ Interfacing with Pika asynchronously is done by passing in callback methods you would like to have invoked when a certain event has completed.

In our example below we use the following four easy steps: Note Step #1 is on line #28 and Step #2 is on line #6. Credentials¶ Connection Parameters¶ By Red Hat. How to Setup Microservices Architecture in Python with ZeroMQ & Docker. Microservices - What? Microservices are an architectural style in which multiple, independent processes communicate with each other. These processes are designed to be highly scalable, are de-coupled and perform one small task at a time. These multiple services have their own resources and processes which communicate among themselves through the network. This differs from a typical client-server architecture where the backend is one monolithic structure encapsulating all the server logic. A microservices architecture addresses separation of concern.

This design paradigm allows easier maintenance, greater flexibility, scalability and fault tolerance. Example of a Sample Microservice Let's take a scenario where you are creating an e-commerce store that uses Microservices pattern. For a typical product say an iPhone on an e-com store, the details page displays: In a microservices pattern the data is spread over multiple services. How would these individual services be accessed? Further Reading. Microservices - Full Stack Python. Microservices are an application architecture style where independent, self-contained programs with a single purpose each can communicate with each other over a network.

Typically, these microservices are able to be deployed independently because they have strong separation of responsibilities via a well-defined specification with significant backwards compatibility to avoid sudden dependency breakage. Microservices follow in a long trend of software architecture patterns that become all the rage.

Previously, CORBA and (mostly XML-based) service-oriented architectures (SOA) were the hip buzzword among ivory tower architects. However, microservices have more substance because they are typically based on RESTful APIs that are far easier for actual software developers to use compared with the previous complicated XML-based schemas thrown around by enterprise software companies. Microservice resources What's next after learning about microservices? Exploring Python Microservices and Docker  - Coders Behaving Badly. Painless Docker 1.0 under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Idol Star Astronomer.

Hot on the heels of yesterday's post, I am going to address the one disappointment of that post. It installs an old version of docker! Let's celebrate Docker 1.0 by using Docker 1.0! Really Painless on AWS I have produced a new Cloudformation template:docker_server2.cfn.json which brings up an EC2 instance with the latest version of Docker (1.0 at the time of this writing). You can follow the instructions in my previous post to use this new template. It takes several minutes after the EC2 instance is created for it to boot up and install all the required software, therefore I have made it write the file "READY.txt" to the /home/ubuntu directory when Docker is fully installed.

If you want to install the latest Docker on Ubuntu manually, follow the directions below. Adding a New Repository In order to use the latest version of docker, while keeping the ease and simplicity of the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT), we need to add a new repository to our ubuntu. First, let's start a root shell with: Putting Bottle in a Container: Docker and Bottle - Idol Star Astronomer.