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Stonehenge’s Bluestones Were Quarried in Wales 5,000 Years Ago. Geologists and archaeologists have long known that the builders of Stonehenge made use of two main types of stone: a silcrete, known as ‘sarsen,’ was used for the large trilithons, sarsen circle and other monoliths, and a variety of ‘bluestones’ — used for the smaller standing stones — were erected in an inner ‘horseshoe’ and an outer circle.

Stonehenge’s Bluestones Were Quarried in Wales 5,000 Years Ago

Two ancient quarries in the Preseli hills of west Wales — Carn Goedog and Craig Rhos-y-felin — have now been excavated to reveal evidence of megalith quarrying around 3000 BC — the same period as the first stage of the construction of Stonehenge. Carn Goedog quarry. Image credit: University College London. “What’s really exciting about these discoveries is that they take us a step closer to unlocking Stonehenge’s greatest mystery — why its stones came from so far away,” said team leader Professor Mike Parker Pearson, a researcher in the Institute of Archaeology at University College London. King Tut's Dagger Is Out of This World. Daggers, axes and jewelry made from rare iron during the Bronze Age are literally out of this world, according to new research finding that ancient artisans crafted these metal artifacts with iron from outer space carried to Earth by meteorites.

King Tut's Dagger Is Out of This World

The finding upends the idea that a few artisans during the Bronze Age in the ancient Near East knew how to make iron by smelting it from Earth's crust. Instead, it appears that Bronze Age metalworkers sought out meteorites to make these treasures, said study author Albert Jambon, a French archaeo-metallurgist and a professor at the Pierre and Marie Curie University, in Paris. [See Photos of King Tut's Dagger & Other Old Iron Objects] "Iron from the Bronze Age are meteoritic, invalidating speculations about precocious [early] smelting during the Bronze Age," Jambon wrote in the study. As a result, these meteorites contain high levels of nickel or cobalt. Ancient iron. Arkaim. Arkaim (Russian: Аркаим) is an archaeological site in Russia, situated in the steppe of the Southern Ural, 8.2 km (5.10 mi) north-to-northwest of the village of Amursky and 2.3 km (1.43 mi) south-to-southeast of the village of Alexandrovsky in the Chelyabinsk Oblast of Russia, just north of the border with Kazakhstan.


It was discovered in 1987 by a team of archaeologists led by Gennady Zdanovich, preventing the planned flooding of the area for the creation of a reservoir. Arkaim is attributed to the early Indo-Europeans of the Sintashta culture, which some scholars believe represents the proto-Indo-Iranians before their split into different groups and migration to Central Asia and from there to Persia and India and other parts of Eurasia (see Indo-Aryan migration theory).

La madriguera de conejo que condujo a una cueva "de los Caballeros Templarios" - BBC Mundo. El insólito escándalo detrás del descubrimiento de una misteriosa ciudad medieval desaparecida. 20 of Turkey's most impressive historical sites. TURKEY’S LOCATION at the meeting point between Europe and Asia has given rise to an incredible history as waves of people, states, eras, and empires have left their mark on the coastline and mountains, the people and culture.

20 of Turkey's most impressive historical sites

Turkey may have more ancient ruins that pretty much anywhere else, but it’s not the sheer number of sites that impresses, but that so many remain near intact. To walk among the graceful columns of a Lycian ruin adjacent to a Mediterranean beach, or to set foot in a Roman amphitheater at sunset, imagining the scenes that must have unfolded here thousands of years ago, couldn’t be more atmospheric.

And to stand in the very spots where Alexander the Great, Saint Paul, and Helen of Troy once made history is pretty incredible. Read on for the lowdown on Turkey’s most impressive historical sites. Powered by Turkey Home. 20 of Turkey's most impressive historical sites. History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places. Akrotiri (Santorini) Akrotiri (Greek: Ακρωτήρι, pronounced Greek: [akroˈtiri]) is a Minoan Bronze Age settlement on the volcanic Greek island of Santorini (Thera).

Akrotiri (Santorini)

The settlement was destroyed in the Theran eruption about 1627 BC and buried in volcanic ash, which preserved the remains of fine Frescoes and many objects and artworks. The settlement has been suggested as a possible inspiration for Plato's story of Atlantis. The site has been excavated since 1967. Akrotiri’s prosperity continued for about another 500 years; paved streets, an extensive drainage system, the production of high quality pottery, and further craft specialization all point to the level of sophistication achieved by the settlement.

This all came to an end, however, in the late 17th century BC with the volcanic eruption of Thera. A view down onto Triangle Square in front of the West House in Akrotiri, Greece. Fresco ship procession or flotilla. Spring flowers and swallows. Akrotiri (Santorini) Santorini Archaeological Sites Akrotiri Excavations Ancient Thira Archaeology Santorini Island Greece. Un friso maya con un ser divino y serpientes bicéfalas. Descubren una estela y dos paneles mayas. El Proyecto Regional Arqueológico La Corona ha sacado a la luz una estela maya del siglo V y dos paneles también mayas, de alrededor del año 700, en los sitios arqueológicos de El Achiotal y La Corona, respectivamente, situados al norte de Guatemala, según informa la Universidad Tulane de Luisiana.

Descubren una estela y dos paneles mayas

David Stuart, un epigrafista experto de la Universidad de Texas en Austin, ha fechado la estela en el día 22 de noviembre del año 418. Arqueólogos descubren las ruinas de una ciudad maya en Estados Unidos. Arqueólogos estadounidenses han descubierto las ruinas de una antigua ciudad maya en las montañas del estado de Georgia, Estados Unidos.

Arqueólogos descubren las ruinas de una ciudad maya en Estados Unidos

La ciudadela tiene unos mil 100 años de antigüedad y se cree que los mayas la construyeron al huir de las guerras, erupciones volcánicas, sequías y hambrunas que azotaban Centroamérica. Se cree que la ciudad descubierta sería Yupaha, la misma que el explorador español Hernando de Soto buscó en vano en 1540. Hasta ahora, los arqueólogos han desenterrado 154 paredes y andenes.