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Rollins-pic-0.jpg (499×636) They Did Not Give Up. 40 Belief-Shaking Remarks From a Ruthless Nonconformist. If there’s one thing Friedrich Nietzsche did well, it’s obliterate feel-good beliefs people have about themselves.

40 Belief-Shaking Remarks From a Ruthless Nonconformist

He has been criticized for being a misanthrope, a subvert, a cynic and a pessimist, but I think these assessments are off the mark. I believe he only wanted human beings to be more honest with themselves. He did have a remarkable gift for aphorism — he once declared, “It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book.” A hundred years after his death, Nietzsche retains his disturbing talent for turning a person’s worldview upside-down with one jarring remark. Even today his words remain controversial. Here are 40 unsympathetic statements from the man himself. 1286765174535.png (PNG Image, 700x1000 pixels) Don Lattin: Harvard Psychedelic Club: 1956 Footage Of Housewife's Acid Trip. Here's some rare footage of an experimental LSD session that I came across doing research for my next book, a group biography of British writer Aldous Huxley, philosopher Gerald Heard, and Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Don Lattin: Harvard Psychedelic Club: 1956 Footage Of Housewife's Acid Trip

It's from a television program, circa 1956, about mental health issues. The researcher, Dr. Sidney Cohen, was dosing volunteers at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Los Angeles. Aldous Huxley, who first tried mescaline in 1953 and wrote about it in his seminal book, The Doors of Perception, got Gerald Heard interested in the spiritual potential of psychedelic drugs. Heard then turned on Bill Wilson, guiding him on an LSD trip supervised by Dr.

Heard and Huxley set the stage for better-known psychedelic research of Timothy Leary, Richard "Ram Dass" Alpert, Huston Smith and Andrew Weil, who are profiled in my 2010 book, The Harvard Psychedelic Club. When-work-feels-overwhelming.jpg (JPEG Image, 468x312 pixels) Philosophy / Cool Pictures / I am in a constant battle with my mind. i g. Heavy Quotes With Pretty Pictures. Code of Conduct. I interviewed a woman who is terminally ill. "So," I tried to delicately ask, "What is it like to wake up every morning and know that you are dying?" "Well," she responded, "What is it like to wake up every morning and pretend that. It is kind of a rude question.

I interviewed a woman who is terminally ill. "So," I tried to delicately ask, "What is it like to wake up every morning and know that you are dying?" "Well," she responded, "What is it like to wake up every morning and pretend that

Good answer on her part, though. When you really think about it, it is like that. People wake up totally unaware that they are dying. But maybe it's better that way, because we enjoy life better! Not necessarily... We should live every day like our last. in five years from now, will u remember what u did 5 years ago? Touche Right on. when you're born, the doctor hands you a birth certificate with one hand, and a post-dated death certificate with the other.

Since it seems you never thought about this before, I am very glad that this woman opened your eyes. One of my favorite submissions on MMT. Aha, burn That's not a rude question at all--if you're interviewing somebody that knows they're dying, it's a perfectly logical question. Good point. I love it. For all of you that think this is a rude question, please read Tuesdays with Morrie. Incredible. I don't think it's incredible... Pretend you're not dying because you won't know when you die! Good answer Sign Up Now! Best Quotes of All Time. It’s been three years since we shared our original list of some of the best quotes of all time, and we felt it was a good time for an update.

Best Quotes of All Time

We’ve added another 25 quotes for you. But these aren’t just any quotes. These are quotes designed to inspire. They’re motivational quotes that will hopefully get you thinking about your life, your work, or your dreams and how you can make these things better. I know quotes researched online often come in slightly different variations, so if you’ve heard another version of one of these, please share it with us in the comments. Here are our 25 new additions for our list of the best quotes of all time, including some submitted by our readers in response to the original list of best quotes, which you can still find below. “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” – Les Brown “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill “The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” – Colin R.

. – Buddha. Decadent Lifestyle.