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New and Improved. Coming changes to unittest in Python 2.7 & 3.2 The Pycon Testing Goat. unittest is the Python standard library testing framework.

New and Improved

It is sometimes known as PyUnit and has a rich heritage as part of the xUnit family of testing libraries. Python has the best testing infrastructure available of any of the major programming languages, but by virtue of being included in the standard library unittest is the most widely used Python testing framework. The Python Mock Module. Introduction — Lettuce v0.1rc11 (barium release) documentation. Lets begin to describe and solve our problem... first round [a] describe behaviour Start describing the expected behaviour of factorial in zero.feature using English: Feature: Compute factorial In order to play with Lettuce As beginners We’ll implement factorial.

introduction — Lettuce v0.1rc11 (barium release) documentation