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Can Academic Departments Manage Without a Twitter Account? | schizomedia. Yesterday I went over to Liverpool for the end of term Curriculum Review meeting with my future colleagues. The second half the day involved planning for the next academic year, including assigning administrative roles to everybody. Having been a Teaching Fellow for the last two years I haven’t had any admin duties before so it’s a little daunting but also exciting to know that I’ll be the Assessments Officer for the department as well as joining a team designing a new MA program.

I also volunteered my services in sorting out the department’s web presence. This is something I was itching to do anyway so I was glad the opportunity came up. One of the things to be addressed is how the department ought to be using Twitter. I have some initial thoughts on this. First of all, it appears to me that increasingly Twitter is being used as a tool to promote courses or departments to sixth form students and school leavers. Like this: Like Loading... What can we learn from South Africa’s most influential tweeters? So far in our series on the South African Twittersphere, we explored what lessons we can learn from conversations happening around two key political figures, opposition leader Helen Zille and president Jacob Zuma. We then mapped a large portion of the South African Twitter network in order to identify who had the most followers and the sub-communities that exist within the network. While it is useful to know who has the most followers, this is not necessarily the best way of understanding who truly wields influence.

To get a better grasp on who is influential within the network, our last article in this series focuses on two statistics, both of which are widely considered as good proxies for understanding influence based on a person’s position within a network: Does the person connect different groups together i.e. “betweeness centrality”? Using our two measures mentioned above, we created a network that sizes people’s nodes based on their scores on each of our two metrics. Caveats: – Be a publisher. Twitalyzer: Serious Analytics for Social Relationships. 30+ Twitter Tools for Research « Ana ADI.

30+ Twitter Tools for Research Posted by Ana ADI on November 6, 2010 · 28 Comments NOTE: If you find this blog post useful please bookmark it. I am planning to include here the latest info on Twitter tools. For some time now, I am doing my best to participate in a Twitter chat dedicated to social media measurement, #smmeasure, as a means of exploring what practitioners do and of discovering new tools. Last Thursday (November 4) the discussion who brought together marketing/communications practitioners, bloggers and representatives of social media measurement companies have focused on influence and influencers – identifying them, measuring their influence/reach, engaging them.

TwentyFeet is a rather new platform dedicated to aggregating statistics related to Twitter and Facebook accounts. TweetEffect visualizes the fluctuations of followers for designated account. Xefer is an alternative to TweetStats. TwitterGrader is measuring the power, reach and authority of a twitter account. Reach. Twitter follow stats, graphs and widgets | Twitter Counter. Twitter Backup | TweetBackup.

#usguys - What the Hashtag?! School 2.0 in South Africa - Day 6: What are hashtags? Twitter Statistics - Twoolr. Twitter Directory and Search, Find Twitter Followers. Graphin' Your Stats.