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Spinach Pizza Crust. Spinach Crust Pizza. Woooooooow! Another healthy blog post in the middle of December's Christmas baking frenzy. How does that happen? I have no idea...... I'm as surprised as you are. This recipe is as uber healthy as you can get. Yes. Really. It's delicious. I was trying to think of a way to describe this crust without making it sound like something you wouldn't want to make.

Then I had a light bulb moment. The best way to describe this crust is to compare it to a tortilla. If you don't mind getting messy then you can try eating this with your hands (I did!) I was really surprised at how easy this is to make. And how amazingly tasty it is. And how healthy it is. (As per Fitday) Crust only: 400 calories, 29 fat, 5 carbs, 32 protein. With my toppings: 600 calories, 37 fat, 18 carbs, 48.7 protein. That's for the entire pizza. *gasp* I googled the nutritional info a plain cheese pizza of the same size (12 inches). Holy he-double-hockey-sticks. Spinach Crust Pizza Ingredients Crust 2 cups raw spinach leaves 1 egg (large) Toppings.

Cauliflower Crust Pizza. But...then I saw this curious sounding recipe on Pinterest. By the way, if you haven't checked out Pinterest by now, you really shouldn't. Seriously. Don't do it. It will suck up your time and leave you rubbing your eyes saying, "What do you mean it's 4 o'clock in the morning and I'm still sitting in front of my computer? " Anyway...back to the biscotti. This is about Cauliflower Crust Pizza. Honestly, I have no words to describe how tasty this is.

The person that created this is a super genius. Look how deliciously pizza-y it is... Cauliflower Crust Pizza Ingredients 1 cup cooked, riced cauliflower 1 cup partly skim mozzarella cheese, shredded 1 egg, beaten 1 tsp dried oregano 2 cloves minced garlic 1/4 tsp garlic salt pizza sauce (~1/4 cup) shredded cheese (~1/3 cup) additional toppings of your choice Note - toppings need to be precooked since you are only broiling for a few minutes. I used: green pepper mushrooms green onion zucchini Directions To Make the Pizza Crust: Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Okay. 1. Recipe for Grilled Zucchini Pizza Slices. This idea of grilled zucchini used as a base for pizza toppings is one of those cooking ideas that swirl around in my head, and sometimes I'm never sure if I thought of it or saw it somewhere else.

I kept wondering how it would work to arrange a marriage between Grilled Zucchini and Val's Kid-Friendly Broiled Zucchini Rounds with Cheese, with the offspring having a little pizza personality, and when I saw Alea's Eggplant Pizza Bites on $5 Dinners, it convinced me to try it. Even so, this is only a recipe in the very loosest sense of the word, because anything you like on pizza could be cooked on top of a thick slice of grilled or broiled zucchini. I'm a pepperoni girl, so of course I had to have that, but the topping options are endless here. Admittedly, this is not a pizza in the truest sense of the word, but if you'd like pizza flavors with a "crust" that's gluten-free, low-glycemic, and low-carb, this is an idea you may end up liking just as much as I did!

South Beach Suggestions: Cauliflower Crust Pizza Recipe {Low Carb} Eat Pizza and Still Fit into Your Wedding Dress! Yes, This is The Healthiest Pizza Recipe On The Entire Internet | Wedding Party. You’re putting in the hours at the gym, you’re running on the treadmill, only eating salad, but you can not stop craving the best food on earth- pizza. Yeah, I can imagine the few months before my wedding day going something like that because I LOVE PIZZA. So after some pinteresting, some Google searching led me a lovely blog called where resides the holy grail of pizza recipes. Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the healthiest pizza recipe in the world. You know why, because it’s a recipe for bread-less pizza. The pizza crust is made of cauliflower instead of flour! The Crust- Ingredients needed (serves 4): 2 cup riced cooked cauliflower (I’ll explain what that means in a second) 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 2 egg, beaten 2 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon crushed garlic 1 teaspoon garlic salt How to Rice & Cook the Cauliflower: Start by washing the cauliflower and remove the stem.

How to Make the Cauliflower Crust: Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Now what?