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Taco's met kip en maïs. Geroosterde zoete aardappel. Gevulde courgette met geitenkaas en tomatensaus. Bloemkool-broccolischotel met ham en kaas. Kippensoep met kipbroodjes. Gehakttaart met nasikruiden. Aardappel en auberginefrites. Zoete aardappel en broccoli. Skinny Baked Broccoli Macaroni and Cheese. Cheesy macaroni and broccoli are topped with bread crumbs and baked to perfection.

Skinny Baked Broccoli Macaroni and Cheese

Kid friendly, vegetarian and comfort food at it's finest. I first made this back in 2011, and it has since been very popular. Last week I made it again and updated the photos, I forgot just how good this is! This time I used rotini pasta, you can really use whatever shape you like. Meergranenwraps met kipsalade. Gehakttaart met cherrytomaten. Tortilla met kip en mais. Tomatentaart met zoete ui. Champignontaart. Groentequiche met kaas.

Tomatenquiche. BBQ Chicken and Pineapple Quesadillas. Pineapple was cheap the other week so I picked some up on a whim and although I was enjoying eating it as is, I couldn't help but think of using some of it in a recipe.

BBQ Chicken and Pineapple Quesadillas

For those of you that have been following for a while, you will not be surprised that one of my first ideas was using it in a grilled cheese sandwich , though as it happened I was out of bread but I did have some extra tortillas that needed using and so quesadillas it was! With all of the cold weather lately I have been dreaming about warmer days and the BBQ chicken and pineapple flavour combo was sounding really good for a cheesy quesadilla, along with some spicy jalapenos for extra heat of course. Toffe poffers.


Meat. Salads. Soups. Pita, Naan ... Bread. Wraps, Crèpes, Enchiladas... Pizza. Pies. Pasta. Potato.