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Achieving Your Goals e032. YouTube. 10 preguntas que puedes hacerte antes de emprender un proyecto. Mr Jake Parker. 029: Follow Opportunity But Bring Your Passion With You with Jake Parker. Click to Tweet: Jake Parker shares his journey on Comics Manifest podcast It’s those three things, ability, passion, and opportunity Jake Parker is a cartoonist and illustrator, He worked at Blue Sky Studios on amazing features including Horton Hears a Who, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Rio, and Epic, He is the creator of Inktober and his comics work can be found in the Flight and Explorer anthologies, Marvel’s Rocket Raccoon, his graphic novel series missile mouse and he recently ran a successful KickStarter that raised over one hundred thousand dollars to manifest his new graphic novel Skyheart Book One: The Star Seed into reality.

029: Follow Opportunity But Bring Your Passion With You with Jake Parker

Podcasts - Mr Jake Parker. Every so often I get asked to be on someone's podcast.

Podcasts - Mr Jake Parker

It's a huge honor, and I rarely turn the oportunity down. As the list of podcasts started piling up this year, I thought it would be handy to put them all in one place. If you're ever bored and you need something to listen to, check out some of these amazing podcasts. (not just my episodes, all of them have great guests) So here you go.