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Using Swing Components: Examples (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing > Using Swing Components) The table that follows lists every example in the Using Swing Components lesson, with links to required files and to where each example is discussed. The first column of the table has links to JNLP files that let you run the examples using Java™ Web Start. NOTE: Release 7.0 is required to run all applets and Java Web Start examples. Most examples will run on an earlier release but you must compile and run them locally. To run an example using Java Web Start, click the [Launch] link in the first column of the table. The first time you run an example, there will be a delay while Java Web Start downloads the JAR file containing the class files for this lesson's examples.

Afterward, the examples should execute more quickly. Compiling and Running the Examples Locally The second column in the table below has links to zip files for each demo that you can open and run in the NetBeans IDE. Here is a typical setup: Table of Examples * This application is not currently available with Java Web Start. Java Tutorial: Interfaces. Java : mise en forme d'une interface (1) : FlowLayout - JDN Développeurs. Dans les forums de JDN Développeurs Nous débutons ici une série d'articles sur la mise en forme (ou "en page") d'une interface à l'aide des gestionnaires de Java. Cela peut sembler futile en ces jours où la moindre application Java est conçue au sein d'un environnement de développement, et où les interfaces sont composées par suite de glisser-déposer des éléments idoines en leurs emplacements désirés, mais tout comme il faut d'abord apprendre le HTML avec le bloc-note avant de se permettre de passer par un outil comme Dreamweaver, il est de bon temps de connaître les gestionnaires avant de passer à, par exemple, JBuilder.

Ces gestionnaires d'interface s'assurent que les éléments intègrés à l'application ne se superposent pas. Chaque élément est placé dans un conteneur, et ce contenu peut lui-même être contenu dans un autre conteneur. Nous inaugurons cette série avec le gestionnaire , le gestionnaire par défaut des fenêtres . import javax.swing import java.awt public class FlowerPower. Créez une interface avec GTK+ ! Les interfaces. Overview (Java Platform SE 6) A Visual Guide to Swing Components (Windows Look and Feel) (The Java™ Tutorials > Graphical User Interfaces > Swing Features) How to Use Various Components (The Java™ Tutorials > Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing > Using Swing Components) The Java™ Tutorials. The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications.

They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails". The Java Tutorials primarily describe features in Java SE 8. For best results, download JDK 8. What's New The Java Tutorials are continuously updated to keep up with changes to the Java Platform and to incorporate feedback from our readers. This release of the tutorial coincides with the release of JDK 8. Lambda expressions enable you to treat functionality as a method argument, or code as data.

Apart from fixing typos and errors, this update includes also includes the following: The Security trail has been restructured; find security information about applets and Java Web Start applications in the Java Applets lesson. Trails Covering the Basics These trails are available in book form as The Java Tutorial, Fifth Edition. Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones : Java.