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Trustee expenses and payments (CC11) (Version March 2012) Contents A.

Trustee expenses and payments (CC11)

Foreword Charities are distinctive, but what makes them so? The voluntary principle - the willingness of those who run charities to give time freely for the benefit of others and not for their own financial reward - would be at the top of the list for many people. This is an important principle and helps to sustain trust and confidence in charities. Our guidance is designed to help trustees of charities in England and Wales get trustee payments - and expenses to which they are legitimately entitled - right. We hope that you find the guidance useful, and that, if it is an issue for your charity, it enables you to manage trustee payments in an informed and confident manner, keeping the interests of your charity, those it serves, and those who support it, at the heart of any decision. B. This section summarises the main points for charity trustees to consider.

C. C1. The guidance explains: What can be classed as legitimate trustee expenses. C2. C3. C4. D. D2. All Saints Street, London, United Kingdom. DementiaToolkit02. BBC Surrey with Nigel Williams - Gay Marriage & Chairman of Surrey County Councils views. LEAP.


Consortia working. Er_eval_es_cbneeds. Submitting a Tender: Back to Basics As invitations to tender for Healthwatch start to trickle out, I thought I’d have a look at a few of the basics needed to submit a good bid and highlight some of the areas where mistakes are often made: Show you’re a safe bet At the PQQ stage the contracting authority needs convincing that your organisation has the capacity, systems and experience to be able to deliver the contract.

Your job is to show you are a ‘safe bet’. Therefore if you cannot answer some of the questions as required, you need to provide extra information to explain your response or provide an alternative. For example, if professional liability insurance is required and you don’t have it, don’t just tick the ‘no’ box. Focus on the stated needs/outcomes A tender submission should: One of the most common mistakes bidders continue to make is to propose solutions to different needs (outcomes) than those that are required. Structure and language Use language that is concrete and specific. Area of Surrey districts. Ccg-mem-roles. FindLaw. Social investment made simple.


Police crime commisioners. For Insurgency: The Case against Partnership : Independent Action. For nearly two decades we have been told that ‘partnership’ is the way forward, bringing us all together in ‘one big happy family’.

For Insurgency: The Case against Partnership : Independent Action

But is partnership working really a confidence trick, confirming and exploiting unequal power relationships? Here Professor Jonathan Davies of De Montfort University outlines the arguments and trails his recent book which locates the fashion for partnership working right in the heart of the global neo-liberal project.

This, we are told, is an era of ‘partnership’ requiring government, business and voluntary and community organisations to cooperate for the common good. Partnership is the solution to everything from poverty and political disengagement to crime-fighting, economic development and environmental protection. If anything the ‘big society’ demands yet more partnership, with communities exhorted to run public services and plug the gap left by cuts. Collaboration is nothing new. This perspective poses some difficult questions.

Space Makers Agency. CITIES_OUTLOOK_2012.