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An Open Source, web based paper form verification and data entry system. Udai Waterloo OMR tool. This is a free-to-use OMR (Optimal Mark Recognition) tool, meant for non-proft social development organizations to conduct surveys and digitize data recorded on paper forms.

Udai Waterloo OMR tool

It is especially suited for extracting data from forms that have been photo-copied and then scanned; hence, the resultant images are likely to suffer from rotations, smudge marks, and random lines here and there. Examples of a few forms that the tool is able to handle with 100% accuracy are shown here. The motivation for writing this tool came from the fact that there is no free OMR software available today, even though it is of great use to social development organizations! Shared Questionnaire System - Panoramica - Shared Questionnaire System.

Shared Questionnaire System(SQS) is an integrated Optical Mark Recognition(OMR) form processing system with straightforward GUIs, which is aimed at developing social platforms to share knowledge about questionnaire based on XML standards.

Shared Questionnaire System - Panoramica - Shared Questionnaire System

You can use SQS easily. . ¶