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Neolithic Weapon Emerges From Norwegian Snow. Neolithic Weapon Emerges From Norwegian Snow Tuesday, October 01, 2013 (Hojem/Callanan-NTNU) TRONDHEIM, NORWAY—Melting snow in Norway’s mountains has revealed a bow and arrows that were probably used to hunt reindeer. The 3,800-year-old bow had been made from elm that grows at lower altitudes. The arrows, the oldest of which was 5,400 years old, were made of different types of wood and tipped in slate. The weapons are similar to those found in other cold climates. Neolithic hunters probably followed the deer into the mountains during the summer months, when the deer would move to cooler pastures.

Ermagerd - it's Sequestertiernnn shmern, shmern... I dunno. Maybe...... I also think there is about to be a giant ideological restructuring in American politics - the last 2 years of "business as usual" has, it's true, produced very little in terms of tangible results. However, it has done a bang-up job of frustrating and mobilizing the citizenry.

That politics and newmedia have become marketized and profitable themselves is a problematic symptom, for sure, but a symptom nonetheless; one indicative of a culture that is consuming information about our political processes. That said, I fear our society is very responsive to what has been both lovingly and critically termed "economic shock" - and I just don't know anymore if this fact is a good or a bad thing. Not Foreign, Legion. Semiotics for Beginners by Daniel Chandler. Digital Storytelling Tools.