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Free Ebook Search Engines & Apps. How To Clean Up Your Windows Desktop Once & For All. Your desktop is a mess.

How To Clean Up Your Windows Desktop Once & For All

Admit it. Just like a desk with papers all over, a messy computer desktop is far from productive. Plus, it just doesn’t look nice. If you’re having issues finding the recycle bin on your desktop, it’s probably a sign from the Computer Gods that you need to change things up a bit. This doesn’t just mean removing a couple icons here or there, but instead starting with a clean slate…er….desktop. You might be thinking “but I don’t want to download any programs to clean up my desktop“. Clean Up Your Windows Desktop Icons Does your desktop look like this? You’re not alone. Now that I’m off that tangent, back to cleaning up icons. My point is, before you drag all your icons into the Recycle Bin, think about which ones you want to keep. Once you have sorted everything, it’s time to find a better location for those programs, folders and files that you want easier access too. Start With The Start Menu Click on the middle tab, titled “Start Menu”. Managing The Taskbar.

Free eBooks at Planet eBook - Classic Novels and Literature. Promote Your Book on a Budget: 20 Thrifty Ways to Get Your Writing Out There. Some folks say that the success of a book is 10% quality and 90% marketing.

Promote Your Book on a Budget: 20 Thrifty Ways to Get Your Writing Out There

As an independent author you’re probably not working with a big promotional budget. You’ve already paid for pro editing, pro book design, book printing, and more, and the funds for anything AFTER the book has been made may have dwindled. I’ve got good news, though: while it wouldn’t hurt to have some serious cash to throw behind your promotional efforts, nowadays savvy and motivated authors can spread the word about their books in really effective ways for cheap, or even free!

[Note: this article is based on a list by Penny Sansevieri of ways in which you can promote your writing for under $50 (featured HERE). So be sure to check out that post too!] 20 ways to promote your book without breaking the bank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Facebook for Authors Twitter for Authors Pinterest for Authors 12. Search Listings. PHP Digital Cart.

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