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Pédaler pendant 1 heure sur ce vélo alimente votre maison en énergie pour 24 heures ! Photo credit: National Geographic.

Pédaler pendant 1 heure sur ce vélo alimente votre maison en énergie pour 24 heures !


LCOE - Grid parity. PAYS. News-23921-panorama-electricite-renouvelable-2014.pdf. Renewable energy industry news & intelligence. Vestas tops 2014 turbine supplier ranking - BTM Navigant -Recharge News. IEA PVPS: 177 GW of PV installed worldwide: pv-magazine. 30.

IEA PVPS: 177 GW of PV installed worldwide: pv-magazine

March 2015 | Applications & Installations, Global PV markets, Industry & Suppliers, Markets & Trends | By: Edgar Meza With 38.7 GW installed globally last year, solar PV capacity has reached 177 GW worldwide, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power System Programme (IEA PVPS). With the biggest share for the second year in a row, the Asia Pacific region represented about 59% of the global PV market in 2014. Flickr/gine In its newly published Snapshot of Global PV Markets 2014, the IEA PVPS said preliminary market numbers showed that both IEA PVPS network countries as well as other major markets installed about 38.7 GW of global PV capacity last year, up from 37.6 GW in 2013.

IEA PVPS points out that after several years of rapid growth and a stabilization in 2012, the PV market grew to at least 37.6 GW in 2013 and then slightly in 2014. The PV market in the America's continued to grow with the United States, Canada and Chile leading the race. Gigawatt Global nominé pour le prix Nobel de la Paix. En 2014, 270 milliards de dollars ont été investis dans les énergies renouvelables selon l’ONU. (Agence Ecofin) - Une reprise a été observée au niveau des investissements dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables au cours de l’année écoulée selon une étude menée par le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD). 270 milliards de dollars ont été investis dans le secteur en 2014.

En 2014, 270 milliards de dollars ont été investis dans les énergies renouvelables selon l’ONU

Ce montant supérieur de 13% à celui enregistré en 2013, est proche du chiffre record de 279 milliards de $ enregistré en2011. Le solaire avec 149,6 milliards de $, l’éolien avec 99,5 milliards de $ et la géothermie, 2,7 milliards de $ ont été les principaux bénéficiaires de ce regain d’intérêt. Par contre les autres sources d’énergie renouvelable telles que les biocarburants, la biomasse et l’hydroélectricité ont poursuivi leur tendance baissière. Sur le plan géographique, la Chine arrive en tête de liste avec 83,3 milliards d’investissements, soit 39% de croissance par rapport à l’année écoulée. Mercom Capital Forecasts Approximately 54.5 GW Of New Solar Capacity Worldwide This Year. The global solar energy sector is set to install 54.5 GW of new solar capacity in 2015, says a new report from Mercom Capital Group.

Mercom Capital Forecasts Approximately 54.5 GW Of New Solar Capacity Worldwide This Year

Although the retrenchment and downward revisions were evident in many key markets last year, much of this can be seen in the light of organizational issues that attend a ramp-up in capacity. Raj Prabhu, CEO and co-founder of Mercom Capital, says the fundamentals of many key solar markets in the world are quite strong. "Last year, China didn't meet its goals, and it has revised its initial estimates by a large margin - almost 2 GW," Prabhu says.

"On the one hand, it makes us wonder what the data quality is like. On the other, it suggests that Chinese authorities are not fudging numbers. LatinAmerican Post - It’s Real. First Direct Observation of Carbon Dioxide’s Increasing Greenhouse Effect. Scientists have observed an increase in carbon dioxide’s greenhouse effect at the Earth’s surface for the first time.

LatinAmerican Post - It’s Real. First Direct Observation of Carbon Dioxide’s Increasing Greenhouse Effect

The researchers, led by scientists from the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), measured atmospheric carbon dioxide’s increasing capacity to absorb thermal radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface over an eleven-year period at two locations in North America. They attributed this upward trend to rising CO2levels from fossil fuel emissions. The influence of atmospheric CO2 on the balance between incoming energy from the Sun and outgoing heat from the Earth (also called the planet’s energy balance) is well established. But this effect has not been experimentally confirmed outside the laboratory until now. The research is reported Wednesday, Feb. 25, in the advance online publication of the journal Nature.

Diversifier les sources de financement des collectivités africaines, c’est possible ! Au regard de l'urbanisation galopante et la responsabilisation croissante des gouvernements locaux pour satisfaire des besoins essentiels de leur population, les besoins de financements des collectivités locales seront particulièrement importants les prochaines années.

Diversifier les sources de financement des collectivités africaines, c’est possible !

Depuis 2005, la gestion des finances publiques est devenue une priorité des pays membres de l’OCDE. La méthodologie PEFA (Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability - « Dépense publique et responsabilité financière ») a été précisément créée pour en donner un cadre de mesure précis, objectif et ambitieux. Self-consumption renewable energy projects. Carbon-action-report-2014.pdf. Driving sustainable economies. Clean Energy Business Council. Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Procedures and Interconnection Requirements - Wiki Cleantech. This report focuses on the procedures and technical requirements for interconnecting utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) plants, typically greater than 20 MW, to the transmission grid within the United States.

Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Procedures and Interconnection Requirements - Wiki Cleantech

The discussion is primarily based on requirements set out by entities such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. The interconnection of utility-scale PV plants is a relatively new concept within the United States, and the requirements for plant performance and interconnection facilities are different from PV’s more common application as a distributed resource, especially with respect to generator response to voltage and frequency disturbances. The reasons for growth and the attractiveness of the U.S. PV market are also examined along with the topology of a typical PV plant. 1.1. 1.2. PV installations are typically separated into three categories: residential, non-residential, and utility scale. Pattern Development inks PPA for 147-MW wind project in Quebec - SeeNews Renewables. Feb 13, 2015 13:07 CET by Ivan Shumkov Wind turbines in Quebec.

Pattern Development inks PPA for 147-MW wind project in Quebec - SeeNews Renewables

Author: Dennis Jarvis. License: Creative Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic Feb 13, 2015 (SeeNews) - Pattern Energy Group LP has sealed a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with public utility Hydro-Quebec for the output of the 147-MW Mont Sainte-Marguerite wind project near Quebec, Canada. The company, also known as Pattern Development, said in a press release on Friday it has acquired the stake held by its partner Renewable Energy Systems Canada Inc, or RES Canada, and now has full ownership of the scheme. GWEC_GlobalWindStats2014_FINAL_10.2.2015.pdf. North American Clean Energy - Welcome.