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Inspire Me Pretty. Secrets of a Successful Terrarium. One of the nice things about contributors is how much they teach and inspire me.

Secrets of a Successful Terrarium

This month, Courtney is back and he is talking about his personal experience with a project I’ve long wanted to try: a terrarium! Placing anything organic under glass is a hot trend right now. We’re seeing these mini ecosystems pop up everywhere in design, and more and more terrarium vessels available at stylish retailers. They were big in the 1970’s and now they’re back! I learned with a little research yesterday that the art of a successful terrarium is not a new discovery by any means. The history of the terrarium dates back to the 19th Century, and grew in popularity in the Victorian Era in England. An amateur botanist, Ward was conducting an experiment on protecting plants from the polluted London air, and observed how certain plants could thrive and be kept healthy under glass. Bringing the Great Outdoors In. I love plants.

Bringing the Great Outdoors In

I love them outside, inside, big, small, you name it. Terrarium. Créer des terrariums de plantes. Dino Battle! (and Building a Terrarium) As mentioned here, we already made the first leap towards building a terrarium.

Dino Battle! (and Building a Terrarium)

I know, big deal, so we bought the vessel – but dang, that was not easy to find! From too-high price points to chintzy fish bowls at the hobby stores, we just weren’t finding the one. Well, you know, until we did. Finally feeling mentally prepared, we headed to Sprout Home for the greenery. Originally hoping for a succulent filled vase, we were admittedly bummed to find out we would be unable to provide the proper light. But on to the building. Next, we added our plants. Found terrarium. There are lots of tutorials for terrariums floating around these days, but this one the terrarium turned on it’s head.

Found terrarium

Inspired by a pickle jar terrarium concocted by the warymeyers team, there are no fancy glass domes to buy and no scouring your local nursery for plants small enough to fit under them. In fact, there’s no buying at all. Everything you need is most likely located within a walk around the block, no matter where you live. CLICK HERE for the full project after the jump!

DIY Moss Terrarium. De beaux plants en bocaux. Create a Recycled Terrarium in 6 Easy Steps. Crafty friday+taking a week off! Terrarium's are all the range now. They are quite easy to make yourself. Start by filling a glass vase with small rocks, at least 2 inches, then a layer of soil. Start planting your plants well into the soil. Fill up with smaller plants, rocks, people or whatever you want to place in your little "world". And voila, you are the master of your own little universe. Weekend Project #1 - Terrariums for Pinterest Challenge. I love projects and Pinterest so when Sherry over at Young House Love posed the 2nd Pinterest Challenge I had the perfect pins in mind.

Weekend Project #1 - Terrariums for Pinterest Challenge

Dylan got me these great fish bowl bookends two birthdays ago and we've had little success keeping any kind of fish alive in them. (R.I.P Goldfish 1, Goldfish 2, Goldfish 3, Goldfish 4, Betta 1 and Betta 2 - you were doomed from the start without names.) Sprout home terrarium how-to video! How to Plant Orchids in Glass Terrarium Vases. Mon petit jardin dans un bocal « Le Jardin des Enfants. Pas besoin d’un grand jardin pour découvrir la nature, il suffit d’un grand bocal en verre pour créer son propre petit univers végétal.

Mon petit jardin dans un bocal « Le Jardin des Enfants

Les enfants vont adorer ce jardin miniature qui prolifère sans trop d’effort dans un contenant adapté à leurs petites mains. Tout d’abord, sortons nos grandes connaissances pour épater les tout petits. Le terrarium : Le choix des plantes (Carnet horticole et botanique) How to Make a Succulent Terrarium - This is what we did on a HOT Monday morning… I’ve been wanting to make one for the longest time, and I’m so happy we got around to creating these beauties.

How to Make a Succulent Terrarium -

Big sis and I were saying how great these would be as house warming gifts or birthday presents. The big plus is that they are sooooo easy to make! Materials: Cactus/Succulent Potting SoilRocks – Purchased Mosser Lee Decorative Rocks which only allowed us to make two terrariums. Terrariums miniatures - Terrarium… - Terrarium ampoule à… - Les caprices et fantaisies d'Andylou. DIY Window Garden. Create a terrarium-inspired window display.

DIY Window Garden

Bring greenery indoors with plants beautifully grouped under glass. The sleek presentation gives flora a contemporary spin and is also a great way to get herbs or seedlings off to an early start; when the time comes, remove them from the jars or cloches and transplant them into your garden. Jardin d'Hubert. Dame-jeanne.

Jardin d'Hubert

Dans un milieu étanche comme dans une bonbonne en verre, on peut cultiver ou bouturer des plantes à l’intérieur. Une fois installées, les plantes se débrouillent seules sans aucune intervention ou presque. How-To Create a Terrarium. Créez un terrarium. Le terrarium est à la fois un objet de décoration et un écosystème miniature.

Créez un terrarium

Original et plein de charme, il permet de mettre en valeur les plantes qu'il abrite. Les conditions particulières de culture (humidité, espace restreint, substrat rare) impliquent cependant quelques précautions. Make Your Own Miniature Terrarium Magnets. Un jardin dans une bouteille. Commencez par nettoyer et polir soigneusement l’intérieur de la bonbonne. Utilisez les pincettes et du papier de ménage (Sopalin) et éventuellement du produit lave vitre. Prolonger le tube de l’entonnoir avec du papier journal pour verser une couche de 2 cm de sable, puis une couche de 2 cm de charbon de bois et une troisième couche de terre de bruyère. Dessinez le diamètre de la bouteille sur un papier et servez-vous en de patron pour arranger vos plantes de façon agréables et décorative en commençant par les plus grandes. Créer (ou acheter) un terrarium planté. La tendance « déco-nature » de cette année.

Pour le DIY, vous trouverez ici les bases pour essayer. Spice Jar Mini Terrariums. Turn your empty spice jars into mini moss terrariums with this fun, simple Earth Week project. Tiny terrariums are the perfect way to green up your home decor, and they also make great recycled gifts! Supplies:* Spice jars, cleaned and dried* Fresh moss or Dehydrated live terrarium moss, soaked per package instructions* Dried moss* Polished gravel* Terrarium soil Tools:* Bamboo skewer or chopstick* Plant mister ★ Please note that the links provided above are affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you choose to make a purchase after clicking through. Step 1Gather your terrarium supplies, then assemble the gravel, dried moss, and soil layers as shown above. Terrarium How-To. My sister, Laura lives in Boston and has the green thumb in the family. She makes beautiful terrariums but since I've always lived far away, I miss out on ever receiving one of these lovely, low maintenance creations.

So I get my fix at Garden, an impeccably designed and curated garden shop on the west side of Atlanta. Chad Wellbrock, the Manager at Garden, offered me a few tips for creating your own terrarium. First, look for any plants that are slow growing that do not like a lot of moisture. Succulents often work best, but just remember that they will need a lot of sunlight to thrive. When you're ready, place your soil in your glass container, (CB2 sells the pendant globes very cheap) then arrange your plants on a work surface until you find the combination that works best. The biggest no-no is overwatering.