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On apples and abdominal adiposity « Tutus And Tiny Hats. There’s an apple on my head. As an apple-shaped lady,* I was really glad to see this post about the protective properties of belly fat. There’s so much noise about the evils of abdominal fat–it eats puppies and kittens for breakfast, steals purses from old ladies, and makes the baby Jesus cry. These breathless reports are almost always accompanied by headless fatty pictures, as if to say, “If you look like this, you’re doomed!

Also, too ugly to show your face.” It’s good to finally see evidence that belly fat–just like almost any other physical characteristic–has positive as well as negative associations (none of which, btw, are destiny). Mmmmm, apple right off the tree. My stomach, for so long my nemesis, has been the hardest part of my body to stop hating. All the scare-articles about abominable abdominal adiposity booga booga didn’t help. Even in my dieting years, though, it annoyed me that a waist under 35 inches was considered ideal for all women.

Like this: Like Loading... Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - 8 Healthy Ways to Start the Day Slideshow. 8 Healthy Ways to Start the Day By Melinda Hershey, Health Educator When you start your morning with good habits, you're setting yourself up for success all day long!

8 Healthy Ways to Start the Day Slideshow

Try one (or all!) Of these eight smart a.m. tips for a healthier you. Wake Up Earlier When you have a stressful morning, chances are that you're going to be feeling stressed for many hours to come. Eat Breakfast You've been sleeping for seven to eight hours or more, so your body needs fuel to wake up your metabolism and help you power through your morning.

Ideally, your breakfast should include a combination of protein, whole grains, and healthy fats. Veg Out Once you've gotten in the habit of eating breakfast, take it one step further and try to sneak in a serving of veggies with your morning meal. Take a Multivitamin Although you should strive to get all the nutrients you can from your food, taking a multivitamin will help you fill in the gaps in case you fall short on any given nutrient during the day. Drink Water. 10-Minute Crunchless Core Workout Video. 10-Minute Creative Core Workout Video. Swiss ball exercises.


Swiss Ball. Pilates. Dance aerobics. Exercise Demonstrations. 10-Minute Beginner's Pilates Workout Video. 3-Minute Leg Stretching Routine on Mat Video. DIY Racerback Workout Shirt Tutorial. You can print the above and place it next to you while you cut!

DIY Racerback Workout Shirt Tutorial

– Old t-shirt (I used my old college tshirt! We were Home of the Fighting Poets. Hahahahaha. How threatening :P) – Pair of scissors TIME: 15 min 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. DONE! What a fab way to reuse old shirts as vintage gym fashion! Wear with a bright bra to make it pop! Oh and be sure to be the first to pin this to Pinterest! <3 Cassey. Fitness, Food, & POP PIlates.