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Accords ACTA

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L'ACTA ? C'est quoi ? Chronologie. Following yesterday's column/post on ACTA, I thought it be useful to develop an ACTA timeline so that the progression of the still-secret treaty can be more easily understood.


This lengthy post builds on a range of articles, blog postings, official documents released under Access to Information, and well-publicized leaks. While the starting point is October 2007, when there was a coordinated announcement from participating countries, Mark Harris has an insightful post tracing ACTA lobbying to 2004 and the first Global Congress on Combating Counterfeiting. Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encycl. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), is a multinational treaty for the purpose of establishing international standards for intellectual property rights enforcement.

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encycl

The agreement aims to establish an international legal framework for targeting counterfeit goods, generic medicines and copyright infringement on the Internet, and would create a new governing body outside existing forums, such as the World Trade Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, or the United Nations. The agreement was signed in October 2011 by Australia, Canada, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and the United States.[6] In 2012, Mexico, the European Union and 22 countries which are member states of the European Union signed as well.[7] One signatory (Japan) has ratified (formally approved) the agreement, which would come into force in countries that ratified it after ratification by six countries.

Negotiations[edit] The ACTA Internet Chapter: Putting the Pieces To. The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement negotiations continue in a few hours as Seoul, Korea plays host to the latest round of talks.

The ACTA Internet Chapter: Putting the Pieces To

The governments have posted the meeting agenda, which unsurprisingly focuses on the issue of Internet enforcement [UPDATE 11/4: Post on discussions for day two of ACTA talks, including the criminal enforcement provisions][UPDATE 11/5: Post on discussions for day three on transparency]. The United States has drafted the chapter under enormous secrecy, with selected groups granted access under strict non-disclosure agreements and other countries (including Canada) given physical, watermarked copies designed to guard against leaks. Despite the efforts to combat leaks, information on the Internet chapter has begun to emerge (just as they did with the other elements of the treaty).

[Update 11/6: Source document now posted] Sources say that the draft text, modeled on the U.S. -South Korea free trade agreement, focuses on following five issues: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electronic Frontier Foundation: La Quadrature du Net. ACTA : le traité secret impose riposte graduée et filtrage (MAJ) Mise à jour : Des commentaires de l'Union Européenne sur la proposition américaine pour l'ACTA datés du 29 novembre ont fuité (.pdf).

ACTA : le traité secret impose riposte graduée et filtrage (MAJ)

Destinés aux négociations, ils confirment l'essentiel des rumeurs dont nous nous étions fait l'écho, avec quelques détails savoureux supplémentaires. Le "chapitre Internet" du traité est ainsi divisé en sept paragraphes : Obligations générales : le traité oblige les états signataires à mettre en place des mesures "efficaces" contre les violations aux droits d'auteur sur Internet, mais l'Union Européenne fait remarquer que le texte ne prévoit pas que les procédures doivent être "justes, équitables et/ou proportionnées". Ces contreparties sont pourtant prévues par d'autres traités sur la propriété intellectuelle, les ADPIC et IPRED.

Vous avez aimé Hadopi ? Vous allez adorer l'ACTA. En matière de contrôle des usages et des libertés sur Internet, l’intervention à l’échelle nationale a le piètre inconvénient de se confronter aux citoyens et aux médias.

Vous avez aimé Hadopi ? Vous allez adorer l'ACTA

Il n’est guère nécessaire de chercher bien loin : les débats autour d’Hadopi auront été ainsi un Vietnam pour le ministère de la Culture, sacrifiant même Christine Albanel, celle qui voyait des pare-feu partout, même dans Open Office. L’intervention à l’échelle supranationale gomme ces défauts et déroule ses mérites : les débats y sont toujours très juridiques – il suffit de se pencher sur les négociations autour de l’amendement 138 – mais sont surtout éloignés des sphères de contrôle dont on faisait référence ci-dessus.

C’est dans ce chapitre qu’on doit évoquer l’ACTA ou Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, accord commercial plurilatéral de lutte contre la contrefaçon. Un texte divulgué en 2010 ? Les détails de l’accord ne devaient d’ailleurs être publiés qu’en juillet à l’occasion de la réunion du G8 à Tokyo. ACTA: restrictions mondiales du Net sans débat public. Paris, 12 novembre 2009 – Depuis le printemps 2008, l'Union européenne, les États-Unis, le Japon, le Canada, la Corée du Sud, l'Australie ainsi que quelques autres pays négocient un traité commercial visant à lutter contre la contrefaçon (Anti-Counterfeinting Trade Agreement en anglais, ou ACTA).

ACTA: restrictions mondiales du Net sans débat public

Le dernier « round » de négociation a eu lieu en toute discrétion la semaine dernière en Corée du Sud, et fut consacré à la « protection des droits de propriété intellectuelle dans l’environnement numérique ». ADBS : ACTA, un projet de traité décalé. Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. U.S./International Copyright Treaty Leaked, Trouble Ahead for IS. According to once-secret, now-leaked sections of the new, plurilateral Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, global Internet users and ISPs might be in for a world of hurt in the near future.

U.S./International Copyright Treaty Leaked, Trouble Ahead for IS

A U.S. -drafted chapter on Internet use would require ISPs to police user-generated content, to cut off Internet access for copyright violators, and to remove content that is accused of copyright violation without any proof of actual violation. The chapter also completely prohibits DRM workarounds, even for archiving or retrieving one's own work. Read on for details and implications. The U.S. drafted this chapter under the strictest measures to ensure secrecy. Allegedly modeled on sections of the U.S. "In order for ISPs to qualify for a safe harbor," writes Michael Geist, who has published the substance of the leaked material, "they would be required establish policies to deter unauthorized storage and transmission of IP infringing content. Stopping the ACTA Juggernaut. The ACTA juggernaut continues to roll ahead, despite public indignation about an agreement supposedly about counterfeiting that has turned into a regime for global Internet regulation.

Stopping the ACTA Juggernaut

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has already announced that the next round of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) negotiations will take place in January — with the aim of concluding the deal "as soon as possible in 2010. " For the rest of us, with access to only leaks and whispers of what ACTA is about, there are many troubling questions. How can such a radical proposal legally be kept so secret from the millions of Net users and companies whose rights and freedoms stand to be affected? Who decides what becomes the law of the land and by what influence? Where is the public oversight for an agreement that would set the legal rules for the knowledge economy? The excuse for using sole executive agreements is that ACTA will be fully respectful of U.S. law. Trade Talks Hone in on Internet Abuse and ISP Liability - PC Wor. ISPs around the world may be forced to snoop on their subscribers and cut them off if they are found to have shared copyright-protected music on the Internet, under an international agreement being promoted by the U.S.

Trade Talks Hone in on Internet Abuse and ISP Liability - PC Wor

Countries including Japan, Canada, South Korea, Australia as well as the European Union and U.S. have been negotiating an anticounterfeiting trade agreement (ACTA) over the past two years to combat the growing problem of counterfeit products ranging from designer clothes to downloadable music. The countries are due to discuss the ACTA at a meeting in South Korea on Wednesday, focusing specifically on the issue of Internet piracy. The U.S. has drafted the text of the chapter on the Internet. In a summary of the U.S.'s position shared orally with trade officials at the European Commission in September, signatories of the accord must "provide for third-party liability.

" Geist has been "troubled" about the secretive way the ACTA has been drafted "from the beginning. " New ACTA Leak Confirms Major Threat to Internet Freedom, Privacy. ACTA treaty WILL affect your rights. ACTA : remonter le temps. L'acta, ne pas divulger. L'ACTA veut rester dans l'ombre. ACTA : « Quel est le prix de notre démocratie ? » Libertés et vie privée : ACTA, la menace fantôme. ACTA et les bibliothèques. ACTA (Library Copyright Alliance) La menace ACTA : pourquoi les bibliothèques doivent s’en préoccu.

La révélation de documents liés à la négociation des accords ACTA (Anti Counterfeintig Trade Agreement – Accords de Commerce Anti Contrefaçon) a fait l’effet d’une bombe le mois dernier, tant ce projet de traité international pourrait s’avérer menaçant pour la sauvegarde des libertés numériques.

La menace ACTA : pourquoi les bibliothèques doivent s’en préoccu

EFF, libraries: Keep your ACTA out of our Internet! A coalition of digital lobbying groups and library organizations are demanding that the US government drop its support for the most controversial part of the (generally controversial) Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement: Internet-related issues ACTA, currently being negotiated secretly by the US, Japan, Canada, the EU, and others, will cover a host of cross-border concerns. And what could be more cross-border than the Internet? That's why ACTA contains a blank section on Internet issues; the text is still being negotiated, but we already know that copyright holders hope that goodies like ISP filtering and graduated response end up in the final language of the treaty.

Government negotiators refuse to give hints about what sorts of measures they are pushing for inclusion in this key section of the treaty. Untitled. ACTA : l'Allemagne opposée au dispositif de riposte graduée - Nu. Un député interroge officiellement le gouvernement sur l'ACTA - L'ACTA inquiète de plus en plus de parlementaires dans le monde.