Little Stars Calgary Daycare
Little Stars Calgary Daycare provides an environment where children are given every opportunity to shine and build on diverse life experiences for a successful future.
Daycare Calgary, Childcare, Preschool - Little Stars Calgary. Calgary Daycare Blog with useful and Time Saving Information for Parents. Average Childcare Costs in Calgary to Expect. The Evolution of Childcare The need for childcare has transformed from being a choice into a much needed necessity for families over the past few decades.
Dual-income households have become the new norm and with full-time working parents, childcare is crucial. When we think about the price of childcare – it’s stressful. An in house cook providing a fresh, varied menu, staff with years of expertise in early childcare education, and a focused, accredited environment that nurtures the whole child’s development has become the standard. Due to the potential benefits of peer socialization, school readiness, and numeracy and language skills, the demand for quality childcare has increased. Blog: Preparing You and Your Child for Kindergarten.
Preparation is a key attribute we utilize to take away a lot of our stresses.
Making sure that our children are ready for kindergarten isn’t just about our child being as ready as ever, but about proving our best efforts as a parent. Little Stars Calgary NE Daycare knows it is your child’s first day of school, yet it is also your child’s first day of school for you as a parent. As we get ready for this big day, it is important to stay positive despite our nervousness. Remember to Talk About It Conversations make the unknown normal for us. Encourage Curiosity One of the most wonderful things about children is their limitless imagination. Give your child materials to spur their creativity (art supplies, lego, sand, pots and pans, playdough).Ask open-ended questions.Read more books.Follow your child’s interests.Try new things.
Arrange a Playdate Your child has likely never been in any form of a school before. Diversify Your Child’s Experiences. Best Calgary Daycare. Overview of Daycare Calgary Program Our Calgary daycare provides a strong foundation for children’s successful future.
As a result, kids learning at Little Stars Calgary will do well at home, school, and higher education. Healthy nutrition, attentive care, beautiful classrooms, and experienced staff round out an already amazing daycare. Calgary Daycare and Preschool Subsidy Changes for 2020. Government policies are changing up for 2020, and it’s important as parents to be prepared.
The most significant change for Calgary daycares and preschools like Little Stars will be that the Kin and Stay at Home parent subsidies are ending. It had previously covered up to $400/month for children too young to be attending school and $200 a month for children grades 1 to 6. This is significant for hardworking parents. However, not all hope is lost as in her statement Lauren Armstrong with the Ministry of Children’s Services said they are now “focusing child-care subsidies to assist low-income families to enter the workforce or attend school by accessing child care in settings where there is more oversight and legislated standards of care and safety.”
Little Stars Calgary Daycare features and benefits. Little Stars Calgary has a comprehensive set of daycare features that make life better for families.
Self-directed learning in our Academy is divided into monthly, weekly and daily program plans. Each plan is customized for the two age groups; 19 to 35 months, and 36 months and over. The program plan follows the Emergent Curriculum methods and is developed with each child’s input. For an example of our program plan, parents are invited to see our Monthly Newsletters or simply observe a classroom in session.
We would love for parents to visit us for an in-depth understanding of how we are preparing children for the future while letting them have fun during the entire learning process. Blog: Play and Learn, or Learn and Play?-Little Stars Calgary. As children grow up, parents have a lot of responsibility to carry.
We have to make sure that our kids are receiving the best education possible, even from 18 months and on. However, we also need to ensure that through this education our children can express themselves creatively. Preschool Calgary, Pre K, Junior Kindergarten Little Starss Calgary. Comprehensive Preschool and Junior Kindergarten Program Our Preschool Calgary Program is the result of 20 years of experience in providing education to children of various cultural, lingual and national backgrounds in Calgary in both a private school and additional education setting.
Full Day Kindergarten Calgary. Blog: What Makes a Great Daycare. During the winter season, we have enough stress as it is – starting frozen engines, inviting all of the family over, Christmas shopping without the children finding out and planning an extravagant meal.
With all that is on our plate, parents deserve the peace of mind knowing they can find a daycare that perfectly suits their needs. Flexibility The best Calgary Daycares are the ones that feel as though they were made for you. Familiarize yourself with the additional benefits of each daycare; do they have flexible hours? Is the daycare conveniently located to make dropping off your children on the way to work easy? Qualified Caregivers We don’t want just anyone to look after our child – we want the most experienced, nurturing caregivers who love their job. Safety One of the first things a parent will notice when visiting a daycare is how safe it is.
You will know that safety is a priority when daycares have written down easy to follow operating policies for children to view. About Little Stars Calgary Daycare and Preschool. Introduction We are an inclusive, premiere, Early Childhood Education focused Child Care and Preschool that believes in and operates according to the Alberta Childhood Accreditation Standards.
Core Values / Guiding Principles Caring. Innovation. Nurturing. Mission.