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Sciences Humaines et politiques

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“Not All!” – Son of Baldwin – Medium. I should state for the record that I don’t think all white people are consciously racist — or that all religious people are consciously queerantagonistic or all men are consciously misogynistic or all non-disabled people are consciously ableist/disabelist etc. When I talk about racism, queerantagonism, ableism/disableism and other oppressive psychologies, I’m talking about prevailing systems and institutions and the people who, wittingly or unwittingly, prop them up and perpetuate them.

Unfortunately, non-racist, non-queerantagonistic, non-misogynistic, non-abelist/disableist, etc. systems and institutions do not prevail in this country. They are exceptional — as are the people who, at the very least, grapple with, question, confront, challenge, undo, excise, abolish, and heal their oppressive, privileged roles in the various hierarchies. So my point of view is that it isn’t necessary to shout “NOT ALL!” Whenever we have these discussions. We know “not all.”

Sexualité - Genre

AboutModal?borders=1~!MTY5NTgwNzY.NjE0ODQ2Mg*MzM2NDY0ODQ(MTk1MzEz~!GL*MTQ4NDQ3ODM. Whites Who Oppose Racism: Here’s How To Stop Doing It Wrong | HaifischGeweint. In the tradition of my first very similarly-titled blog post on how to be a better anti-misogyny ally, I am simply going to copy/paste the privilege-conscious disclaimer portion of that entry here. Some other sections of this blog post are also copy/pasted portions of that same blog post, because a lot of what I had to say there applies here as well. I’ve been working really hard for years now, to understand privilege and oppression, and how it plays into my own day-to-day life. The time has come, it would seem for me to try to share some of this knowledge. For the purposes of understanding where I am coming from, I am conscious that I am privileged in the following ways as an individual: I was born in North America, and continue to live here.

I live in first-world conditions with access to literacy, education, clean drinking water, and so on. I’ve got it pretty good, relatively speaking, just by having the exceptionally good luck of being born in North America. The list goes on. Ruminances.

Pensée libertaire

Economie. LA SOCIETE MALADE DE LA GESTION - une vidéo Actu et Politique. Féminisme.