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Learn Something Everyday Part 4. Dumb Student Late Assignment [PIC] Jungle Survival: Finding Water" Because jungles are so wet, collecting rainwater is probably the easiest part of survival.

Jungle Survival: Finding Water"

Leaves on the rainforest floor are large because of the limited amount of sunlight they get. The larger the leaf, the more of the sun's rays it can soak up. Large leaves are useful in collecting dew and rainwater. If you have a container to store water, simply angle a leaf into it overnight or during a rainstorm and you have some fresh drinking water in no time. If you have a poncho, tie it to a tree on a slant to allow the rain to collect and drain. You'll fare even better if you can find a running water source. Believe it or not, plastic bottles also work for boiling. Green bamboo has clear and odorless water inside it that you can drink. Another way to collect water is to make a solar still. The moisture from the ground reacts with the heat from the sun to produce condensation on the plastic.

Breaking the Bread Code: How to Get the Freshest Loaf. Popular in Food & Drink Bread.

Breaking the Bread Code: How to Get the Freshest Loaf

In America, we each consume around 53 pounds of it every year. It’s the one food eaten by people of every race, culture, or religion. And we all want the freshest loaf whenever we buy it. Online Dating School - Best Romantic Ideas. 1.

Online Dating School - Best Romantic Ideas

Get tulips and attach this note: "I've got two-lips waiting for you! " 2. On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet. Attach a card that says:“I will love you until the last rose fades.” 3. 4. 5. The underlined letters will make your partner curious and with a bit of luck she will write them down to decode your special message.

All Posts. 7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong. If you're like us, you might sometimes have a problem with complex tasks, like trying to drive an ambulance and send a text message at the same time.

7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong

But hey, at least most of us have figured out the simplest things that get us through the day, right? Except, you know, some of the simple things we've done every day of our lives, like ... What could be simpler than taking a good crap? Even babies are good at it. You might be surprised, then, to find out that even those of us who can burp without throwing up get this wrong every single day. The one who just threw up on the other one's shoulder is better at pooping.

Chances are the pooping facility nearest you is a sitting toilet, a relatively recent invention that flushed its way into mankind's heart with the advent of indoor plumbing in the 19th century. GettyFuture toilets will exist just to kill us. So how the hell are we meant to do it? Luckily, there's a relatively simple way to end this poop dilemma. GettyDemonstrated here.

7 Classic Disney Movies Based On R-Rated Stories. Hercules: Murders His Children The Disney Happy Ending: In the Disney version we have our hero Hercules versus Hades, who tries to take out Hercules by sending Meg, a woman whose job it is to find Hercules' weakness.

7 Classic Disney Movies Based On R-Rated Stories

As she is a moderately attractive 18- to 25-year-old woman, she falls in love with him instead as required by Disney law. Since his first plan failed so miserably, Hades gets Hercules to give up his powers in exchange for Meg's safety, which seems like a reasonable trade until you remember that Hades is like Satan with more gold trim, so he predictably goes back on his word. He seemed like a decent guy. As Hercules is fighting a Cyclops, Meg pushes him out of the way of a falling column and is killed, which restores Hercules' powers just in time for him to save the world and bring her back to life.

The Original Ending: "Do you see this arm? Tarzan: Doesn't Get the Girl, Everyone is Miserable The Disney Happy Ending: We can spot at least three glaring inaccuracies in this picture. Elevator.jpg (JPEG Image, 543x467 pixels) How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time. I admit it.

How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time

When I first heard there are actual tournaments for Rock-paper-scissors, sanctioned by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, I laughed. I mean seriously, $50k to the winner of a game that requires no skill whatsoever? Absurd. Boy was I wrong. Rock-paper-scissors isn't just a silly game kids play or a way to decide who has to be the designated driver at parties. Males have a tendency to throw rock on their first try, inexperienced RPS players will subconsciously deliver the item that won previously, and paper is thrown least often, so use it as a surprise.