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The Unravelling of the Real 3D Mandelbrot Fractal. Visit First page Experimenting with iterations and powers Okay enough eye candy for now. Let's have a closer look at the structure of this beast. Firstly, the old 2D Mandelbrot can be represented as an evolution of iterations. The final stage (infinity iterations) is very similar at first glance to iteration 5000 (unless you zoom right in), as the shape converges to a shape comprised of tangent circles. One interesting question is: Does this same phenomenon happen with our power 8, 3D Mandelbulb? Power 8 (zooming into this object produces all the eye candy on the previous page): Click any picture to enlarge. A higher quality image below, and a super-large 4000x4000 version is here for the patient. And once you zoom into that, you get the magic as shown before. Squaring (power 2) Finally, let's take a look at power 3. Power 3 Click any to enlarge. Interesting.

Power 16 It's easy to go to higher powers than eight. And some zoom ins... What's the formula of this thing? Z -> z^n + c. Metal Thing by *GrahamSym on deviantART. Steampunk Doughnut Machine by *HalTenny on deviantART. Grrrrr!!! by *GrahamSym on deviantART. Hybrid by *GrahamSym on deviantART. Steampunk Toaster by *HalTenny on deviantART. Steampunk Fun Steampunk Wallpaper - 1615x1052px HD Wallpaper #20847 ~ Wallpaperpin. 3D Fractal Art | Marc Vanlindt Focus: 3D fractal art, Mandelmorphic art, Raw fractals, Fractal manipulation, AnimationTools: Mandelbulb 3D, Mandelbulber, Blender, Impression3D , VoxelStack , Wavefront, Structure Synth, GimpLocation: Liège, Belgium About: Marc Vanlindt is a wide-ranging digital artist.

We’ve collected a gallery of his Mandelbulb 3D images here. Beyond MB3D, Marc employs a number of other 3D rendering and image processing softwares and has created images, animations, and tutorials in diverse digital environments. Continue reading Jorge Abalo Focus: 3D fractal art, Mandelmorphic art, Raw fractalsTools: Mandelbulb 3DAlso: Information technology (IT)Location: Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain About: Jorge Abalo is a self taught artist who has been making art for as long as he can remember. John Vega Focus: 3D fractal art, Mandelmorphic art, Raw fractals, Fractal manipulation, VideoTools: Mandelbulb 3D, Mandelbulber, Photoshop, AfterEffects, Poser, PerfectPhotoLocation: Boulder, Colorado, USA. Fractals_03. The Unravelling of the Real 3D Mandelbrot Fractal. Mandelbulb lamps. Mandelbulb. The Mandelbulb is a three-dimensional analogue of the Mandelbrot set, constructed by Daniel White and Paul Nylander using spherical coordinates.[1] A canonical 3-dimensional Mandelbrot set does not exist, since there is no 3-dimensional analogue of the 2-dimensional space of complex numbers.

It is possible to construct Mandelbrot sets in 4 dimensions using quaternions. However, this set does not exhibit detail at all scales like the 2D Mandelbrot set does. White and Nylander's formula for the "nth power" of the 3D vector is where , and They use the iteration is defined as above and is a vector addition.[2] For n > 3, the result is a 3-dimensional bulb-like structure with fractal surface detail and a number of "lobes" controlled by the parameter n.

Quadratic formula[edit] Other formulae come from identities which parametrise the sum of squares to give a power of the sum of squares such as: which we can think of as a way to square a triplet of numbers so that the modulus is squared. Cubic fractal. Astroport in view from the hotel ;)