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Go Global with Elementary Learners. Rethinking Independent Schools in the 21st Century. I attended public schools from kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as a public university, and I am the parent of public school students.

Rethinking Independent Schools in the 21st Century

As the child of immigrants who counted public school access in their equation of the American Dream, I had minimal exposure to private schools growing up, and as a young parent I wanted my children to embrace diversity, thinking this would be found in public, not private, schools. Since switching my professional attention to education over a decade ago, I've been schooled in the modern reality of independent (private) schools' missions. Generalizations that label these schools as elitist, tradition-bound and homogenous probably aren't based on a recent first-hand look.

I've found they have the leeway to get out in front on equity, recruiting deserving students from diverse backgrounds and locations, rather than being governed by the zip code in which their building happens to be located. 1. Here’s where NAIS' Challenge 20/20 can help. 2. 3. 4. 10 Children's books that teach diversity. Michelle Maffei is a freelance copywriter covering a variety of topics both online and in print, from parenting to beauty and more.

10 Children's books that teach diversity

Combining her two favorite loves, writing and motherhood, she has found joy in even the most challenging ... We live in a world where children are increasingly exposed to hatred and intolerance of cultural diversity, so it's up to us as parents to teach kids about the value of the acceptance of others. Before you lose your youngsters to prejudice, discover 10 children's books that teach diversity. One Green Apple Facing the challenges of being a new kid in a new country with a new language, Farah finds comfort in the similarities she finds on a field trip to an apple orchard.

Two Mrs. In a world where biracial children are becoming the majority, this touching children's book celebrates cultural diversity by highlighting a little girl's relationships with her Japanese mother and her African-American grandmother. Little Blue and Little Yellow Jack & Jim Comments. Framework for 21st Century Learning. P21's Framework for 21st Century Learning was developed with input from teachers, education experts, and business leaders to define and illustrate the skills and knowledge students need to succeed in work, life and citizenship, as well as the support systems necessary for 21st century learning outcomes.

Framework for 21st Century Learning

It has been used by thousands of educators and hundreds of schools in the U.S. and abroad to put 21st century skills at the center of learning. The P21 Framework represents both 21st century student outcomes (as represented by the arches of the rainbow) and support systems (as represented by the pools at the bottom). Tweet the Framework While the graphic represents each element distinctly for descriptive purposes, P21 views all the components as fully interconnected in the process of 21st century teaching and learning. 21st Century Student Outcomes 1.

Mastery of fundamental subjects and 21st century themes is essential for students in the 21st century. 2. 3. 4. 21st Century Support Systems. We Need Diverse Books. Where did the #WeNeedDiverseBooks campaign come from?

We Need Diverse Books

In a Twitter exchange on April 17th, 2014, Ellen Oh and Malinda Lo expressed their frustration with the lack of diversity in kidlit. This wasn’t a new conversation for Ellen or Malinda, just the latest, this time in response to the all-white, all-male panel of children’s authors assembled for BookCon’s May 31st reader event. In a series of tweets, Ellen started talking about taking action. Several other authors, bloggers, and industry folks piped up saying they would like to be involved as well.

We planned a three-day event for May 1-3 to raise awareness, brainstorm solutions, and take action (Diversify Your Shelves). After Aisha’s post, the hashtag started taking off, officially trending for the first time on April 29th, around 9:30 pm EST. Who is on the #WeNeedDiverseBooks team? You’ll find the team members here. Can I get permission to reuse the pictures from your campaign? Are you still looking for #WeNeedDiverseBooks images? How To Choose The Best Multicultural Books. How do you know if a children's book you're about to share with your students accurately portrays the culture of its characters?

How To Choose The Best Multicultural Books

Are there warning signs to look for? Are there telltale things that mark an outstanding multicultural book? To answer these questions, Scholastic Teacher magazine invited five children's literature specialists to give us their candid advice on selecting books about or related to Native Americans, Latinos, African Americans, Jews, and Asian Americans. Within each section of this article, you'll find: Reviews of ten great children's books suitable for grades K–8Essential advice from a children's author or illustrator: Joseph Bruchac, Gary Soto, Floyd Cooper, Patricia Polacco, Yumi HeoKey criteria to use when selecting booksA list of notable authorsAnd more!

Our experts also helped us compile an extensive list of other multicultural resources for teachers and their classrooms. Native Americans: Let Our Words Be Heard By Peggy K. Welcome to Multicultural Children's Literature.