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Caddick Davies

Caddick Davies is recognised as the England and Wales leading firm of specialist Speeding Solicitors, Drink Driving Solicitors & Motoring Solicitors, providing advice and representation on all motoring offences including speeding, the avoidance of disqualification on penalty points or “totting up” (exceptional hardship) , driving without due care and attention (careless driving) , dangerous driving and drink driving. Learn more at

Overview of Defences against a Speeding Charge — Caddick Davies. December 28, 2020 Speeding is an offence that is punishable by a minimum fine of £100 and 3 penalty points.

Overview of Defences against a Speeding Charge — Caddick Davies

With each moto offence, penalty points are added to one's license. When the total number of penalty points reaches a total of 12 in 3 years, then the license can be revoked and the holder of the license disqualified from driving. Speeding solicitors specialize in defending persons charged with speeding. They present one of the following defences in court to obtain a reduced punishment. Incorrect details in the NIP The NIP or Notice of Intended Prosecution is sent to the address of people whose vehicles have been caught speeding by cameras within 14 days of the incident.

You were not driving the vehicle. Caddick Davies Solicitors — All About Drink Driving offences in the UK. Drug Driving Solicitors. At Caddick Davies Solicitors, we specialise in the representation of motorists charged with drug-driving offences, including both successfully challenging offences and also minimising the penalty that is imposed.

Drug Driving Solicitors

If you have been caught driving after smoking weed then you’ll find this page more relevant for your case. Being charged with “drug-driving” needn’t mean an automatic conviction. The offence of driving with drugs in excess of the prescribed limit makes it an offence to drive with anything more a very small amount of illegal drugs in the body. Preliminary swab tests can be taken at the roadside for certain substances, like cannabis and cocaine, if an officer suspects that you are under the influence of drugs, while following an arrest, a specimen of blood or urine can also be requested by the police. All calls or enquiries to us are free and without obligation. Fair and transparent legal charges. Speeding Solicitors, Speeding Offence Lawyer. Speeding Offence Solicitor Representation At Caddick Davies Solicitors, we specialise in the representation of motorists charged with a range of speeding offences, including both successfully challenging speeding offences and also minimising the penalty or penalties that are imposed.

Speeding Solicitors, Speeding Offence Lawyer

Our solicitors for speeding offences have defended many cases in motoring courts throughout England and Wales with great success, developing a relationship of mutual respect with courts due to our expertise, knowledge and integrity. As specialist speeding solicitors, we are able to use our unrivalled knowledge of police enforcement technology, ranging from GATSO cameras to in-car police VASCAR systems. This level of specific legal and technical insight provides the best possible representation to those clients who wish to challenge any allegation of speeding made against them. When it comes to building a successful defence, finding expert representation is a key factor. Experts in Speeding, Drink Driving & Motoring Offences. People at Caddick Davies. Caddick Davies Solicitors — Speeding Offences in the UK.

Help from Motoring Offence Solicitors If You Flout Legal Obligations of Drivers — Caddick Davies. September 21, 2020 Anyone who wishes to ride a motorcycle or drive a car in the UK has to meet certain legal obligations.

Help from Motoring Offence Solicitors If You Flout Legal Obligations of Drivers — Caddick Davies

They must have a valid licence, meet the minimum eyesight rules, and be the minimum age for riding or driving. As a learner driver, he must display L or D plates as the case may be and he must have a qualified driver alongside. The vehicle they are driving must have up to date vehicle tax paid, it must have been registered with the DVLA, and it must be roadworthy with a current MOT certificate.

It must also have at least a third-party insurance. Presenting Valid Documents on the Road It is also mandatory for all motorists to show a valid driving licence, insurance certificate, and an MOT certificate if needed to an officer who requests it. Caddick Davies - Expert Solicitors for Driving Offence. Driving laws are changing – but what can and c... Seeking the Help of Drunk Driving Solicitors When Caught by the Law.

Pin on Caddick Davies. Seeking the Help of Drunk Driving Solicitors When Caught by the Law. Drivers who opt to drive after consumption of alcohol are liable to jeopardise their lives and that of others.

Seeking the Help of Drunk Driving Solicitors When Caught by the Law

Alcohol gives them an all-time high and they become impulsive, adventurous, and sensation seeking. It impairs their ability to think and react quickly to situations. Their capacity for judgement and operation are also quite impaired which is why drink driving is punishable by law. In the UK, the authorities are quite inflexible about this rule and their limit is 80 mg of alcohol per 100 mL of blood, 35 mcg per 100 mL of breath or 107 mg per 100 mL of urine.

However, since the amount of alcohol that is ingested that is considered above limit varies from person to person, it is safest not to drink and drive or seek the help of a drink driving solicitor if caught drinking and driving. A Breathalyser Test To Detect Drunkenness. Driving laws are changing – but what can and can’t you do behind the wheel? - Home - Made from the finest of internets. Driving laws are changing – but what can and can’t you do. Penalties for drivers who allow themselves to be distracted behind the wheel have existed for some time and you can still be prosecuted if you do so.Learn more. If your driving licence is out of date you could be fined £1000 - Caddick Davies. Embed Code For hosted site: Click the code to copy <div class='visually_embed'><img class='visually_embed_infographic' src=' alt='If your driving licence is out of date you could be fined £1000 - Caddick Davies' /><div class='visually_embed_cycle'></div><script type='text/javascript' src=' class='visually_embed_script' id='visually_embed_script_1862893'></script><p> From <a href=' For

If your driving licence is out of date you could be fined £1000 - Caddick Davies

How to avoid a fine - Caddick Davies. Motoring Offence Solicitors, Solicitors for Driving Offences. Motoring Offences – what are your options?

Motoring Offence Solicitors, Solicitors for Driving Offences

A fine, points on your licence or even facing a ban can each have a big impact on your life. Beyond the initial penalty, there are a number of knock-on effects, as points can mean higher insurance premiums. A fine can seriously impact on your finances, while a driving ban could mean your livelihood is under threat. Before you assume the worst, it is highly recommended that you talk to one of our specialist motoring offence solicitors here at Caddick Davies for high-quality, expert advice.When it comes to defending a charge, the level of legal representation you have is a key factor. Here at Caddick Davies, we are specialist traffic offence solicitors, so we know this area of the law inside and out and are able to offer expert legal guidance.