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How to compare fonts for the screen with Typetester. How to find the perfect font. The ampersand. Fig.1 Pompeiian Graffiti, 79 A.D. Fig. 2 Early Roman script, around the middle of the 4th century Fig. 3 Scottish writing, 9th century Fig. 4 Carolingian minuscule, 810 A.D. Fig. 5 Humanist minuscule, 1453 A.D. Fig. 6 William Caslon, London, 1728 Fig. 7 Italian Humanist minuscule, 1500 Fig. 8 Ludovico degli Arrighi, 1522 Fig. 9 Robert Granjon When creating a new typeface, a designer can inject the most artistic flair into the ampersand character.

One of the first examples of an ampersand appears on a piece of papyrus from about 45 A.D. The lefthand portion of the ampersand is either a lowercase e or a capital E consisting of two semicircles. Today, the & symbol is incorporated into the design of every new font and is a part of every existing roman alphabet. There are many interesting variations of the ampersand, such as those created by the talented Ludovico degli Arrighi, the Renaissance writing master (fig. 8), and Robert Granjon, the gifted 16th century French type designer (fig. 9).

Fig. 12. Search Free Fonts - largest collection of free fonts available f. 1001 Fonts. WhatTheFont : MyFonts. Abstract Fonts - 12,034 Free Fonts. 1001 free fonts for PC & Mac. Petit guide typographique à l’usage de l’internet. Typography. I Love Typography, devoted to fonts, typefaces and a. Compare fonts with Typetester.