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Tutorial. Apple_iphone_app+ Microblogging. Auto Follow Friday. Comment actualiser automatiquement Twitter Search. Twitter Search, l’outil de recherche de Twitter fonctionne bien, mais la page de ce service ne s’actualise pas automatiquement. Lorsque de nouveaux tweets utilisent vos mots clés, Twitter Search affichera le nombre de mises à jour disponibles. Vous devez cependant actualiser la page manuellement. Si vous utilisez Firefox, il existe un plugin qui permet d’automatiser l’actualisation de la page Twitter Search.

Il se nomme ReloadEver, une fois installé, vous pourrez configurer l’intervalle de rafraichissement Twitter Search. Son utilisation est simple, rendez-vous sur la page du service de recherche de Twitter et cliquez sur le bouton droit de votre souris. Lien: Echofon. Super Clean Interface Echofon's beautiful, clean interface is carefully designed to be comfortably left open all day. It stays out of the way when necessary and expands to support all of the advanced features you need, when you need them.

More Types of Tweet Attachments Easily attach photos to your Tweets with drag and drop. Multiple Accounts Use all of your Twitter accounts in Echofon! Sync Across Your Devices Since Echofon is available for Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android, unread Tweets stay in sync across all of your devices. Browser Drawer Echofon's unique drawer interface makes it easy to perform supplementary tasks such as viewing a user’s profile, timeline, favorites, followers, and more. Advanced Search Features Full search support includes trends with explanations, saved search, and people search.

How to save tons of time deleting Twitter DMs. Whether you use Twitter for personal or professional reasons, after a while you’ll notice that your inbox is overflowing with direct messages (DMs). Ultimately, you’ll realize that you will never have the time or the patience to sit there and manually delete all of them. What do you do then? Well, enter the wonderful time-saving free tool known as DM Deleter which automates the process of trashing your direct messages with just a couple of clicks. This tool was produced by the gifted Damon Cortesi (@Dacort), the same developer behind the Twitter statistics and analysis tool, TweetStats.

Here’s how to delete your direct messages (all of them, or just selected ones): Go the DM Deleter page.Drag the DM Whacker bookmarklet to your browser’s toolbar.Go to your Twitter Direct Messages page. Click the DM Whacker bookmarklet on your toolbar. Back Up Your DMs (and Tweets) Prior to deleting all of your DMs, you might want to back them up. Do you back up your tweets and DMs? Seesmic. The Twitterverse v0.9 by @BrianSolis & @Jess3. Tinychat. When Did You Join Twitter? How to migrate TweetDeck settings to another PC. Nambu. Topify! Les 5 pièges du microblogue politique. Cet article a été publié il y a 5 ans 18 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Signe que les temps changent, bien que nous ne sommes pas en période électorale, il y a de plus en plus d’hommes et de femme politiques dans la sphère du microblogue québécoise.

Bien que je salue l’initiative de ces politiques, je me permets d’émettre mon humble avis, quant à l’utilisation par ceux-ci d’outils web 2.0, comme Twitter. Voici donc les 5 pièges à éviter pour les politiques intéressés par le microblogue. Pourquoi le microblogue? Rappelons que le microblogue est un outil parfait pour diffuser, pour échanger de façons différentes, pour interroger, pour questionner, pour obtenir de la rétroaction et même pour couvrir des évennements. Premier Piège : Utiliser le microblogue pour uniquement diffuser de l’information, sans aucune forme de rétroaction. Lorsque vous gazouillez, ne répondez pas à la question : « What are you doing? Dis Papa, c’est quoi Twitter ? Cette question, certains d’entre vous qui n’utilisent pas ce service se la pose sûrement : quel est l’intérêt d’un outil permettant d’envoyer de courts messages publiquement à d’autres personnes ?

Effectivement dur de résumer, si l’on présente Twitter que du côté fonctionnel et non du côté de l’usage qu’il permet. Alors, certes peut être parle-t-on trop de Twitter comme le pointait Fred dernièrement et que certains n’hésitent pas à faire un parallèle du point de vue du buzz généré, entre Twitter et Second Life (Twitter is this year’s Second Life), mais si plus de personnes parlaient plutôt de l’usage et des opportunités (Quelle utilisation une entreprise peut-elle faire de Twitter ?) Que permet des outils comme Twitter, plutôt que juste de la courbe de croissance de Twitter, (certes +1382% en 1 an) cela permettrait à beaucoup d’y voir plus clair dans cette masse d’information. How to see Twitter discussions for any webpage with wwwitter.

Hashtags FR. How to use TweetDeck. TweetDeck is the most useful application for managing Twitter that I’ve found. While many call it “intuitive,” some of my clients are intimidated by it. Perhaps they don’t realize it has tooltip-type hints when you mouse over the various buttons, or maybe the tips don’t explain enough. For those of you who want more than tooltips, here is a basic introduction to TweetDeck. Organize your screen with these buttons The following nine buttons function as toggles. Click here to type a message (status update). Using the tweetbox to post a message. (Click image to enlarge) Your message is also called a status update. Do you want to share a picture? Finally, if your message is just a leetle too long, click (F) to use Tweetshrink to trim it down. Info from an individual status update Each group that you create is a vertical column of messages, with the newest at the top.

Click on image to enlarge When you click the Reply button, the tweetbox opens up, with @recipient already inserted for you. The most popular Twitter acronyms. Twitdom. Tweetree. TwitTangle. 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business.

We really can’t deny the fact that businesses are testing out Twitter as part of their steps into the social media landscape. You can say it’s a stupid application, that no business gets done there, but there are too many of us (including me) that can disagree and point out business value. I’m not going to address the naysayers much with this. Instead, I’m going to offer 50 thoughts for people looking to use Twitter for business. And by “business,” I mean anything from a solo act to a huge enterprise customer. Your mileage may vary, and that’s okay. Oh, and please feel free to reblog this wherever. 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business First Steps Build an account and immediate start using Twitter Search to listen for your name, your competitor’s names, words that relate to your space. Ideas About WHAT to Tweet Instead of answering the question, “What are you doing?” Some Sanity For You You don’t have to read every tweet. The Negatives People Will Throw At You Twitter takes up time.

How to use Twitter replies. In this post Chuck Westbrook (follow him @cwestbrook) looks uses the analogy of Dinner Conversation to explain the basics of different types of communication on Twitter. Image by Thomas Hawk Twitter is a lot like a dinner with a large group of friends at a big table in a busy restaurant. Everyone is chatting, there’s a lot being said, and if you’re not focused on a particular conversation, it sounds downright noisy.

So just like a large group setting in real life, there are some conventions about how people tune in to listen and the most effective ways to be sociable. Whispering: The Direct Message Sending a direct message is like quietly chatting with the person next to you at the table. On Twitter, you should lean in with a direct message when the discussion is private or if it just won’t be of interest to others within earshot. Talking Normally: An @ Reply to Begin the Tweet Telling Everyone: An @ Reply Inside of the Tweet Good Manners. TwitterFone. First State of the Twitosphere in France. On this blog I already published several posts with a detailed analysis of the twitosphere in a specific country. From time to time people ask me to have a closer look at their country, e.g. France. The first question in such an analysis is the number of Twitter users in France.

Twitter locates 4371 Twitter users in France (Twitter users who explicitely mention France in their location), Twitdir reports 3367 Twitter users. Based on the location info in the Twitter profiles, I was able to find 6229 Twitter users in France, still active users. History of the Twitter accounts in France The graph below shows the history of the Twitter accounts from France. Private or public 769 Twitter acounts from France or 12% have chosen to keep their updates only available to their friends. Number of following A Twitter user can choose to follow one or more other Twitter accounts, called "following". 997 Twitter accounts from France or 16% do not follow other Twitter users.

Twitterrific. How to begin using Twitter.