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Presse. Gstuff_google. Étude internationale sur les collaborateurs parlementaires et le. Sérendipité. GQ: The 50 Most Stylish Men. Tutoriel Twitter. Twitter... what's all the fuss about? The Micro-Sociology of Networks. Next week I am giving a guest lecture at the Parsons School of Design, specifically an innovation course being taught by BusinessWeek's Bruce Nussbaum. I've been fortunate to establish a relationship with Bruce over the years—ironically all initiated and somewhat sustained by social networks. But the premise of my talk is going to be somewhat different (hopefully) from what we see and hear in the business world which is currently infatuated with the latest and greatest bright and shiny object to hit the scene. What I'm hoping to delve into a bit more is how these bright and shiny objects influence our behaviors and how these behaviors are evolving even thoiugh our basic needs remain relatively the same.

As I do with nearly all my presentations—I post them up before I give them so you can have a look and I can initiate a first feedback loop before the "launch" on Monday. WWGD? - The PowerPoint. Sequoia Capital on startups and the economic downturn.