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How to be a happy introvert. Being an introvert isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

How to be a happy introvert

If it prevents you from doing what you really want to do, or hinders your working and personal lives, then something should change. However, introverts should be happy being so. Author on Introverts, Nancy R. Fenn, wrote a Top Ten to get introverts through their day, and it’s mostly a How To in getting out of negative situations and keeping positive about their character. 1. Personally, I think some kind of middle-ground is ideal. We’ve previously written these on the topic: Top 10 Advantages of Introvert How To Network: For Introverts Convert yourself from Introvert to Extrovert? The Architect. Test de personnalité. L'INTP pour les non-INTP. Page précédente Page suivante Ils ont tendance à être : calmes, indépendants et secrets logiques et peu sentimentaux créatifs, astucieux, innovateurs et penseurs globaux curieux et poussés à accroître leurs capacités décontractés et adaptables non conformistes et imprévisibles La chose la plus importante pour un INTP est sa vie privée et l'opportunité de résoudre des problèmes complexes de façon unique.

L'INTP pour les non-INTP

Comment repérer un INTP ? Secret, sélectif et réservé Froid, détaché et peu sentimental Logique, intellectuel et analytique Décontracté, calme et adaptable Sceptique et aimant débattre de tout ce qui est présenté Comment Parler « l'INTP » ? Préparez-vous à considérer le plus d'options possible, et attendez-vous à ce que les décisions prises évoluent si de nouvelles informations deviennent disponibles Défiez leurs aptitudes à résoudre les problèmes. Phrases qui retiennent l'attention des INTP Pourrais-tu réfléchir à ce problème ? En quelques mots Suite : Les fonctions de l'INTP. An INTP Profile. By Paul James Original version: April 5, 1999 revised and published on the web: March 12, 2000 INTP is one of the 16 personality types defined in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

An INTP Profile

I will assume that visitors to this page already have a basic knowledge of the MBTI system for I wish to concentrate on describing the INTP type as best I can. The descriptions below are based on personal experience combined with knowledge derived from other MBTI sources and I hope that other INTPs and non-INTPs alike may find some of this material illuminating. This page may be updated and expanded when appropriate. For a general introduction and overview of MBTI temperament analysis, visit Robert Winer's excellent resource at Gesher. INTPs are about 1% of the general population, making this one of the rarest of types. The consequences of the orientation and rank of each of the four functions for the INTP type is described in turn below.

Primary Axis: Introverted Thinking - Extraverted Intuition. Description of an Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiver. The mind of an INTP is both a finely-honed analytical tool and a playground of ideas.

Description of an Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiver

Its strongest function is introverted Thinking, which is supported by extroverted iNtuition. In other words, INTPs interact with the outer world intuitively, observing the big picture and its implications. They use their introverted T to process this information logically and abstractly, analyzing new ideas until they understand every aspect. Starting with only a vague intuition, an INTP can construct a whole new world of ideas. As an analytical tool, the INTP mind excels at solving problems and designing systems. Work: INTPs can be successful in many fields, and may find themselves hopping from job to job as interest in different areas of knowledge wanes and waxes. . * require analysis of global concepts rather than a focus on details * involve interaction with few people rather than many * allow them to use their minds creatively without worrying about the practical application of the ideas they develop.