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Is Google Reader The Next Friendfeed? With the news that Friendfeed was being sold to Facebook for an undisclosed sum, people have started flocking over to Google Reader, which shows you how fickle the internet can be. One minute they are all in Friendfeed professing their love for it and the next they are moving over to Google Reader just because they may not agree with the future direction of the other site.

I have always been more of a Reader person than a Friendfeed person. I don’t know why but I feel more comfortable with Reader. Maybe it’s because it is tightly integrated with Gmail so I can email things to myself, maybe it’s because Reader has a really nice user interface so I can whiz about from post to post. I can’t pin it down but Reader has always been my preferred app. Say what you like about Google but they always instinctively seem to know what is good for the general net user and what works / doesn’t work. A Ready-Made Social Application Have A Conversation Inside Reader A Customizable “Send To” Menu.

10 trucs à savoir pour bien démarrer sur FriendFeed. FriendFeed connait actuellement l’arrivée de nombreux nouveaux utilisateurs, grâce à l’impulsion salvatrice de Narvic, blogueur connu pour son ex-blog Novovision. J’avais déjà tenté de démontrer l’utilité de FriendFeed par rapport à Twitter (et il semblerait que cela en ait convaincu certains ), je vais désormais essayer de clarifier des aspects un peu plus techniques de FriendFeed afin d’aider les nouveaux arrivant (notamment de Twitter) à mieux appréhender ce service (car il est vrai que sa prise en main n’est pas forcément très aisée). Tout d’abord, je tient à préciser qu’il n’y a pas de « one best way ». Je ne peux que vous présenter la manière dont moi je m’y prends, ce qui vous aidera peut être à mieux comprendre comment fonctionne FriendFeed.

Libre à vous ensuite d’adapter votre usage en fonction de vos besoins et de votre profil d’internaute. 1. Oubliez les clients desktop ! 2. La première chose à faire est de vous constituer des listes de contacts. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Les thèmes… 9. Twhirl. 10 + tools to pimp out your Friendfeed. We're big fans of FriendFeed, the social network aggregator that helps you keep track of your friends' activities across different platforms like Twitter, LastFM, Flickr, YouTube, Facebook and about 1,000 36 others. If you're a fan or if you're just getting started, below are 10 tools to help you experience it just the way you like, after the jump. 1. Filter FriendFeed by Service - when you don't want one big data dump, this Greasemonkey user script allows you to filter streams by individual services and by context.

After installing, you will get a display box of the 41 service icons. If you are within a specific user's stream, then clicking on the icons will filter by that app for that particular person. If you're browsing within friends, then clicking on the icons will filter by that service on all your friends' activity. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Note: we could not edit the filter groups we created by clicking on the edit button. 10. A newbie's guide to FriendFeed. FriendFeed is a powerful service you can use to follow all the public online activity of your friends. It takes all your friends' activity on Twitter, Digg,, Flickr, YouTube, and 30 other sites and creates one giant uber-feed that you can display in one place. Furthermore, people can comment on what their friends are doing, and you can read those comments, so the service acts as a good way to discover the things your social network thinks is important.

In this guide we'll tell you how to get started with FriendFeed. FriendFeed is a young service and its developers update it frequently. This guide is current as of June 5. If you spot errors, feel free to e-mail me and I will make the appropriate corrections. Thank you. Step 1. The service will ask you if you want to install the Facebook app. FriendFeed gives you the option to read in your address books from various online e-mail services. Once you've added a few friends, you can let FriendFeed recommend other people to follow.