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Trois applications pour améliorer votre productivité et organise. Parmi toutes les applications Web que j’utilise, il y en a trois que je combine constamment lorsque je travaille sur des projets de formation ou conférence. Il s’agit d’Evernote, de Dropbox et de Google Sites. Rien de neuf vous me direz! Vous avez raison, sauf que ces trois applications combinées ensemble améliorent ma productivité. Je peux ainsi classer de l’information que je récolte, stocker et synchroniser mes ficher sur le Web et partager mon travail avec des collaborateurs et des clients. Une partie de mon travail est consacré à rechercher de l’information. Evernote est en fait un bloc-notes qui réside à la fois sur votre ordinateur et sur le Web. L’utilisation de cette application est simple, lorsque vous ajoutez une note sur Evernote elle sera automatiquement synchronisée partout. Vous pouvez classer l’information que vous accumulez en créant des répertoires ou utilisant des tags (mots-clés).

Dropbox est un outil extrêmement intéressant. How to search untagged notes on Evernote... How to evernote while web browsing on the go. How to add Evernote to Windows' Send To Menu. How to convert and clip web text to Evernote with one click. How to OCR your ScanSnap PDF before sending it to Evernote. Of course, a few days after I posted this, Evernote announced that they would make PDFs searchable for Premium users. So if you are not a Premium user, this will help. Otherwise, just upload away. One of the most popular posts on this site is on how to use the Fujitsu ScanSnap with Evernote . It describes how to set up a profile in ScanSnap Manager to send the resulting PDF to Evernote. There is one problem with doing it this way – Evernote does not OCR PDFs. How you do this depends on which model of the ScanSnap that you have, and whether you have Windows or a Mac. ScanSnap For Windows If you have the ScanSnap S300 , S510 , or S1500 , your solution is pretty simple.

What we’re going to do is set Evernote to watch a folder so that anything it finds in there it will automatically import. In Evernote, go to File -> Import -> File Import Wizard Hit Next and select the Source folder that you want Evernote to watch and set your notebook ScanSnap S510M or S1500M For Mac ScanSnap S300M For Mac. "Bringing Order to the Chaos of Notes" par Farhad Manj. How to easily save links in personally customized folders with S. How to expand your brain with Evernote. I like the Evernote initiative, though I have still problems using it myself. I use Firefox on MacOSX, and since Firefox doesn`t offer integration with OsX services, i have to rely on the web clipper to import formatted content into Evernote. The web clipper is SLOW. Much slower, in fact, than using the Google Toolbar/Send to Gmail feature, and emailing myself the same content to gmail.

In fact, i have a Gmail "Database" account which handles all this content. Guess what, this Gmail database of mine has 7gigs of space, no limitation of ammount of data i can upload each month (like the Evernote account has), and i can download it to my desktop Mail client anytime, and use that as a backup! So, evernote is out for grabbing contents from the web for me. For creating notes by myself on my mac, I resort to Textedit and OmniOutliner. The only problem is for notes that need to be edited many times from many places. So, IMO, Evernote still needs a bit of maturing. Evernote. Why it will make it & 20 awesome ways to use it. A guest post from Zee, the Creative Director at London based digital agency, WeDoCreative Evernote, make no quibbles about it, has changed the way I store my information &, if it hasn’t already, should be the way it stores yours. Firstly, what is it? Evernote is a tool which stores notes, documents images and gives you the ability to be able to access search them from wherever you are.

Still unclear? Here’s a video of Evernote’s CEO Phil Libin giving you a 1 minute run down of his service. Before we go into why it’s special, here’s a little background, Evernote was initially just a desktop application, a mighty fine one at, but just a desktop application all the same. So why is it such a special tool you ask…why do I, as well as the majority of other Evernote users have so much passion faith in the product. Lets forget however about the three reasons above and take evernote on face value. 1. 2. 3. 4. Let’s move onto the final part of this post… Ways to use Evernote. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.