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Top 10 Tiny & Awesome Windows Utilities. Most loathsome people of 2008. Click here for printer-friendly version 50. Barack Obama Charges: Beyond a few token acts of bipartisan marketing, Barry's major duty in the Senate was to avoid legislating, so he could pretend Washington-outsider status and nullify attacks on his non-existent policy positions. That's the thing about Obama and his candidacy: He was a blank slate, the pinnacle of vapid public relations—onto which the benighted masses may project their sincerest, yet unfounded, hopes in the wake of the worst administration in history. Couldn’t disown Rev. Wright, until he suddenly could, and then marred his first moments as president ahead of time by inviting a pastor whose advice to gays is just to refrain from sex for life. Exhibit A: “Yes we can” is the “Just do it” of politics. Sentence: Presiding over the decline of an exhausted empire. 49.

Charges: A font of mediocrity, Shyamalan's success as a screenwriter and director is more confusing than quantum mechanics. Exhibit A: Gave himself the name “Night.” Best of de Martin Lessard. Un blog est un fourre-tout, classé par date, ce qui est le pire des classements pour le lecteur. Voici un classement raisonné de mes meilleurs morceaux... (à consommer à petites doses) Zéro Seconde: liste partielle (et partiale) de mes meilleurs textes (dernière mise à jour: 22 Août 2007) Web 2.0, le déplacement de l'usage d'Internet Les 6 cultures d'Internet.

Best of bookmarklets. Even though Google took their web browser Google Chrome out of beta last month, we can't help but feel like Chrome is still only half way to being a compete product at this point. Without RSS support, the ability to use add-ons, and gasp! No Mac version, Chrome still has a way to go before people give up Firefox for good and make a full switch.

However, despite Chrome's lack of features, its lightweight feel and speedy browsing have made it a popular choice as a Firefox alternative for light web surfing...especially the kind done on a netbook while killing time at Starbucks. Unfortunately, no one knows when Google will release an update for Chrome that will provide add-on support. But until then, there is a way to at least simulate the use of browser add-ons. This is done using bookmarklets (small pieces of javascript code) which you can easily add to Chrome's bookmark toolbar. Google Chrome Bookmarklets Bonus! Some Of The Best iPhone Apps Of 2008. This guest post was written by Bryan Barletta, lead reviewer at AppVee, a site that offers iPhone app reviews and news. Barletta has picked out some of the App Store’s best applications, and we’ve embedded video reviews for some of them (click the corresponding review link to view a video if it isn’t already embedded).

Also be sure to check out our picks of the hottest iPhone apps from back in July when the App Store first launched. The iPhone and iPod Touch have taken the world by storm. In just a little over six months time we’ve witnessed the doors of the iTunes App Store opening to the 10,000 app marker being crossed. Top 10 Apps Tweetie An easy to use and full featured Twitter app that is speedy. Pandora Browse through the music genome and find new artists that fit your taste. Simplify Media Connect to multiple computers and stream their music directly to your iPhone.

RJDJ Album Let your iPhone and the world around you create unique and original music. Top 10 Games Dr. Ocarina iFun. The Best Links 2008 de Kottke. This is the fifth annual selection of my favorite things I've linked to on This year's list includes games, photography, top-notch journalism, time-related material, architecture, design, and even politics, about 100 links in all. The format of the list is a bit different this year.

Sprinkled amongst the usual high quality links are collections of links which fit into accidental categories that sprang up while going over the material, including my picks for the sites/blogs of the year. Enjoy. Passage is a game that takes 5-minutes to play which possesses a poignancy that you wouldn't expect from such a simple game. Beautiful slow-motion skateboarding with explosions. An extensive history of visual communication, from cave paintings on up to the present-day computer. The NY Times published a stacked graph of movie box office receipts from 1986 to Feb 2008. On the final episode of St. Maps of the Apollo 11 moon walks superimposed on a soccer pitch and a baseball diamond. R.I.P. "2009: Products I Can’t Live Without" par Michael Arri. At the beginning of each year I traditionally publish a list of my favorite startups and products.

This is the fourth year I’ve done this – previous lists: 2006, 2007, 2008. You guys get to pick the winners of the Crunchies – this list is all mine. This is a list of the products I tend to use daily. Some are for work (WordPress, Delicious, Zoho, etc.), some are for fun (MySpace Music, Hulu, etc), and some are useful for both (Digg, Skype, YouTube, etc.). But I use most of them every day, or nearly every day, and I would not be as productive or happy without all of them. The list changes a bit from year to year, and is also getting longer (see chart). Just three products have been favorites all four years: TechMeme, Skype, WordPress. I’ve added nine new products, including one gadget (which I’ve left off in the past): Animoto, Friendfeed, Hulu, iPhone 3G, MySpace Music, Pandora (which was on in previous years) Docstoc/Scribd and Yammer. 800-Free-411 Animoto Digg Facebook Friendfeed Gmail Hulu.

Rétrospective 2008 : l’année web. Most Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2008.