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SM in Workplace

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Putting Social HR in Its Place: The Employee Lifecycle. Putting Social HR in Its Place: The Employee Lifecycle When I present social business as my passion, the typical listener assumes I’m talking about Yammer, Facebook or Sharepoint. It’s interesting to see how they can easily confuse social platforms as the same as being a social business. But it’s not. It’s easy to become distracted by shiny, new tools and platforms, but these are just delivery channels. As I’ve learned, and I’m sure as you have as well (if you’re reading this post), being a social business is so much more than that. I emphatically believe that a social workplace considers employee behavior in order to create a truly collaborative and integrated social experience. Your roadmap to accomplishing this is through the employee life cycle. Whether your employees are onboarding, developing or growing their talent, maintaining status quo, or separating, they are all somewhere within that employee life cycle and have unique needs.

Attraction Recruitment Onboarding Learning Growth. Social Networks As Collaboration Tools - Messaging and Collaboration. It seems I can’t enter a meeting these days without a CIO bringing up the topic of social networks: what they are, what they do and whether an enterprise really needs one.

More often than not, it’s because they’ve invested time and money in collaboration tools and knowledge management systems, and don’t understand why they’re not being used, or why social networks are needed as well. At Capgemini, we use a combination of these tools and technologies. Our main internal social network is based on Yammer and, after two years, includes more than 18,000 people.

We’ve built a wiki-based knowledge management system where we store important, reusable content. We are also using several collaboration tools chosen to suit the type of collaboration and work required, enabling our employees worldwide to work together in response to real-time requests. See also Winning Business With Social Media See also Five Ways to Unlock the Business Value of Social Media. L’usage des réseaux sociaux en entreprise : un impératif o. Selon une nouvelle étude internationale de KPMG Cette étude réalisée au niveau mondial montre que : Près de 75% des employés interrogés s’attendent à pouvoir accéder aux réseaux sociaux lorsque leur entreprise les utilise à des fins marketing.

En conséquence, bloquer l’accès à ces applications risque de créer une frustration au sein des employés. Un tiers des collaborateurs passe outre cette interdiction et contourne les protocoles de sécurité de leur propre ordinateur pour satisfaire leur besoin de communication, introduisant un risque accru pour la sécurité informatique. Les entreprises qui restreignent les connexions aux réseaux sociaux s’engagent dans une bataille perdue d’avance. Avec une formation adaptée, les employés peuvent devenir des porte-parole efficaces pour l’entreprise et contribuer à son développement commercial ainsi qu’à la valorisation de l’image de marque. 70 % des entreprises dans le monde sont présentes sur les réseaux sociaux.

Taking Advantage of Social Media in the Workplace [Infographic] The rapid growth of social media presents a unique challenge for employers as well as employees. Without a pre-existing framework for determining what is proper for social media use in the workplace, companies have had to rely on a trial-and-error approach to social media etiquette. Companies that take a more relaxed and positive approach to social media seem to have better success in shaping policies that result in better etiquette. When the emphasis focuses on what’s permissible rather than what is forbidden, social media “misbehavior” decreases dramatically. The best strategy is for corporate culture to embrace social media and encourage responsible employee use. “Social Media in the Workplace” [infographic] illustrates some ideas to help employees be more responsible. It is an amusing read, like the Mouse Trap ride at The Boardwalk in Santa Cruz.

What Are Companies Saying About Social Media In The Workplace? [Infographic] These days almost everyone is on Facebook and Twitter and, for many of us, our social media activity is spilling over from our private lives into the workplace. More and more people are Facebooking and Tweeting from work, but what do our employers think about this phenomenon? A new infographic from Mindflash and Column Five explores the question, ‘Are Companies Allowing Employees to Use Social Media in the Workplace?’

Surprisingly, only 48.3 percent of companies allow all employees access to social networking sites while at work for non-business use. While I’m sure personal social networking on the job is frowned upon in most places, I expected that a larger percentage of companies would give their employees access to these sites. 26.7 percent of companies offer access to social networking sites for a select group of employees, and a quarter of all companies ban social networks for personal use entirely.

Check out the full infographic below to learn more.