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At Byford Child Care Centre we provide large rooms with latest equipment and outdoor play areas for your child to play and explore. We have Qualified Educators in all rooms with Diplomas in Early Childhood Education. This ensures your children are cared for by people with not just experience but the educational background to provide the opportunities for your child to excel.

Testimonials - Byford Child Care. Allergies in Children. Byford Early Learning Centre. Healthy Eating Habits for Children. Early Childhood Education. When Do Babies Get a Nappy Rash - and How to Prevent it. Using Nonverbal Communication to Guide Your Children. Bath Safety for Babies and Toddlers. What to do when Dealing with Crying Colicky Babies. How to Talk to Babies and Toddlers. 15 Tips to Encourage Good Behaviour in Children. How Parent Behaviours Affect Children's Screen Time. Children and their Imaginary Friends. Top Tips for Preventing Choking in Babies and Early Toddlers. Helping Baby Build a Routine. Keeping your Office Safe for Toddlers. Early Childhood Education and Care Byford. How to help your Child to Develop Numeracy Skills. Why Children and ‘Messy Play’ Must Go Together. Younger Children and Sharing – how to develop it in your child. Not sharing – a common parental worry!

Younger Children and Sharing – how to develop it in your child

We regularly hear parents expressing concerns that their child “isn’t good at sharing”. In truth, this can be a problem with significant numbers of toddlers and pre-school children. However, there are plenty of easy things that can be done to help. Why won’t your child share? Although many of us prefer not to think about it, human beings are animals and have a deep animal legacy that evolved over some millions of years. As a result, there is nothing more natural for a younger child than to be possessive about things. Today, we might be talking more commonly about sweeties or toys but that ancient survival instinct in very young children may kick in and discourage them from automatically sharing with others. In most cases, this is nothing to worry about – providing you take steps to deal with it.

Sharing and age We’re always cautious about stating firm developments by age because each child is so different. Teaching about sharing. Benefits of Quiet Time for Kids. Many parents dutifully spend huge amounts of their time trying to keep their children engaged and active.

Benefits of Quiet Time for Kids

That’s for the most part highly desirable and a great thing but it’s worth remembering that in terms of human society, this is a comparatively recent phenomenon. In fact, children need some quiet time where they keep their own company. Human societies Even within living memory, parents in most cultures didn’t have the time or the money to support the luxury of spending huge amounts of their time keeping their children engaged and active. They were simply too busy earning a living and trying to help their family survive in terms of food, clothes and shelter. Child activity therefore largely took place: between siblings; in the extended family; at the individual child level. Today, with smaller and more geographically spread families, the first two above have largely been replaced by school and day-care centres with parents also playing a larger and more omnipresent role than previously.

Getting Children to Help with Household Chores. Household Chores and Younger Children Few adults enjoy household chores but the good news is, younger children often do and getting them involved can be hugely beneficial for their development.

Getting Children to Help with Household Chores

So, it’s worthwhile making some effort on this one. Does your Child Tell Fibs or Lies? No parent likes to discover that their child is telling fibs or at a later age, outright lies.

Does your Child Tell Fibs or Lies?

Don’t worry – this is a perfectly normal experience that, as far as we know, every child goes through as part of their development. Why are Toddlers Moody – And What Can You Do About it? Have you ever experienced your toddler smiling benignly one second then apparently devastated and screaming the house down the next – and for no obvious reason?

Why are Toddlers Moody – And What Can You Do About it?

Well, don’t worry! It’s perfectly normal and here’s why. Volatility. Dealing with your Toddlers Declaration of Independence. Sometime around the 6-15 months mark, your child is going to turn into a toddler and that means increasing independence on an almost daily basis.

Dealing with your Toddlers Declaration of Independence

Whilst all parents love to see that, it brings with it a set of challenges and downright problems. First steps to independence Once our children start playing with their food and putting their gunk-encrusted fingers into their mouths, they’re taking the first steps on the road that will inevitably lead to them one day telling you they don’t care if you approve of their boyfriend/girlfriend or not! Most people consider this really begins in earnest once your child is a toddler and is able to start moving around a room more or less unaided.

Why Children Should be Encouraged to Dress Themselves Sooner not Later. As with so many subjects relating to younger children, the subject of the age kids should start to dress themselves is open to debate and opinion.

Why Children Should be Encouraged to Dress Themselves Sooner not Later

Generally, many child development experts argue this should start sooner rather than later. Theory versus practice Some parents take pride in being able to say their child can already dress themselves at an early age. Other parents seem far more relaxed and are happy to keep dressing their children in full or part until they’re well into primary school. Neither practice is right or wrong. Should Children be Playing Outside in All Weathers. As we have said before, we believe that children should develop in a way that emphasises their relationship to nature.

Should Children be Playing Outside in All Weathers

They need to know they’re part of the living world. That means experiencing weather, in most of its forms. Common sense True, parents and care providers need to use common-sense. Occasionally, some weather conditions might be too extreme for children’s safety. However, as a society, we may have gone too far in terms of isolating our children from the real world’s weather. Human experience Our distant ancestors weren’t able to insulate themselves from the weather as easily as we can. Children are of course more vulnerable to some forms of weather conditions than adults (e.g. hot sunshine) and extra care is required, however, there is no reason at all why say getting wet in a shower is bad for them. Happy Holidays Everyone! The Benefits and Challenges Bilingual or Multilingual Children Face - Byford Child Care. Most of us that are not bilingual would consider it to be a huge benefit.

The Benefits and Challenges Bilingual or Multilingual Children Face - Byford Child Care

In fact, all the evidence shows that it is and particularly so in later life and career development. However, there are some issues that the parents of bilingual children should be aware of. What is bilingual? Generally speaking, a bilingual child is totally relaxed, perfectly fluent and equally comfortable in either one of two languages (commensurate with their age level). Some also use the yardstick of them being able to think in each language, rather than needing to translate in their head for understanding before speaking. Are you "giving in" too much to your baby? The question of how much attention to give your baby has been the subject of huge amounts of discussion for, literally, centuries.

Are you "giving in" too much to your baby?

It has also led to some schools of thought, particularly popular in 19th century Europe, that somehow, it’s possible to spoil a baby by reacting to it too frequently. This idea is now widely, though not universally, rejected. The evidence We should declare immediately that much of this discussion has to be opinion and common-sense based. Transitioning from a Cot to a Bed. This is another of those major developmental milestones that parents look for. What’s interesting about this one is that it’ll be one of the first that your child may be able to have some say in!

Dates As always with milestones, there’s a tendency to become fixated on age and dates. In fact, this really doesn’t matter at all. Top Tips for Restaurant Dining with Younger Children. So, you’re just back from a ‘fraught’ visit to a restaurant where you feel your young children have just humiliated you by their bad behaviour in front of the entire world? Don’t worry – you’re not alone!

We have all been there at times. However, with a few basic steps, you can reduce, though probably not entirely eliminate, such problems with a little bit of advance preparation. 1. Things to be concerned about with your children – and things not to. All responsible parents care about their children. As a result, we sometimes get a little concerned about “the way things are going”.

It’s perfectly natural but here we’d like to offer some advice about things that might be cause for concern and those that typically aren’t. Things that generally aren’t cause for concern The developmental milestones of your child Children develop at their own pace and as we have said many times, they have scant regard for what books say they should be doing.

Almost all the “by the age of 12 months” advice you’ll read is built upon statistics and the concept of the bell curve. These milestones usually mean little in the context of an individual youngster. Are you doing as much as other parents You can’t call yourself a good or bad parent based upon what you see in others. 5 Major Ways Babies Change When They Become Toddlers. So, your baby is fast approaching the toddler stage. That’s a fantastic time in their lives and you’ll love it. However, you’ll need to prepare because it brings its own challenges! How to Keep Children Healthy Around Animals. Most children love most animals. That’s sometimes seen as being perfectly natural. In fact, there is a debate about just how much of that is ‘natural’ and exactly how much is learned. That’s a different subject though!

Most experts agree children should be given a lot of exposure to the natural world. It’s probably good for the development of their immune systems and from the very youngest age, can teach them admiration and respect for the non-human life around them. However, there are some health and safety issues to be taken into account. Stay at Home or Child Care Centre - What's Best for the Little Ones? Early Learning Centre. Why young children need time in nature. 7 Useful Toddler Development Accessories. Today there’s a lot of emphasis on early development aids. 10 Tips to Prevent Aggressive Toddler Behaviour. 5 Healthy Habits to Help Your Toddler Sleep Better. What Do Children Learn in a High-Quality Preschool Programme? Why Is Early Childhood Education Important? From the moment a child leaves the womb, it starts to learn. In fact, some suggest it starts doing so before birth! How Nutrition Impacts Early Childhood Development. Good Nutrition in Early Development. No responsible parent or care provider would disagree with the need for children to have good nutrition throughout their lives.

However, what that means and what effects an absence of such has, is less well understood. EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES. Have you heard of “Clumsy Boy” Syndrome (Dyspraxia) There are some conditions that DO affect predominantly one gender or another. One of those is called “Dyspraxia”, which is mainly found in males (the ratio is about 4 out of 5 cases). Bullying and aggression – things can easily be mis-read.

Is your child frightened of numbers. Early Childhood Education and Care Byford. Early Learning Program for Toddlers. Early Learning Centre. Early Childhood Education. Biting in Early Childhood Education and Care. Long Car Rides with Young Children. Byford Child Care - Early Learning Centre. Tips for Getting Fussy Eaters to Eat Healthy Foods. Reading to Children from a Young Age. Early Learning Centre Byford. Byford Child Care Early Learning Centre. How Important is the Bond Between Educator and Child.