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Other Fruit desserts

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Fruity chocolate bars. Inside out chocolate covered strawberries. Who else is being forced to watch the Super Bowl today? As much as I want to stay home and work on the new site (get ready!) And DIY projects (beware my pseudo craftiness!) , my husband is carting me to a friends house for the first half of the game. Let that a be a shining example of compromise to all of you :) In light of my strong dislike for anything sports related I won’t show you any dips or ribs or wings; instead, how about something you can make next week as a Valentine’s treat?

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Shooters These are so simple yet look luxurious. Like this: Like Loading... Apple Ice Creams with Brandy Caramel | Time for a Little Something. Summer Berry Sweet Pizza a. At the moment life is sitting quite happily in limbo, as we fall between the seasons of late Summer and early Autumn. There is still warmth in the air, yet I’m beginning to be drawn back to the more heavy and slow cooked dishes. While it can easily be argued that Ireland got a fairly awful Summer this year, I haven’t been left short on Summer produce. My tomatoes, while slightly late are starting to turn a rich red and my proud pumpkin patch which has long been developing a personality of its own, now sits watching our living room overlooking slightly ominously, ready to engulf the house with ever expanding tendrils, the moment we turn our backs. While everything is in full bloom and plants are still growing, said pumpkin patch is a great reminder that, it won’t be more that a month or two, before I will be cutting the stalks of what I hope will be heavy orange fruits, reminding me further of the fact that the days are getting shorter and colder.

Baked Apple Pie Egg Rolls. My family is split when it comes to pies. There are those who are like my mom and love the cream pies… chocolate, coconut, etc and those that are like my dad and like the fruit pies… apple, cherry, etc. Then there are people like me and my husband who could do without pie. I know, we are crazy. They just seem like so much work and I am not a fan of making homemade pie crust. I will if needs be, but I’d rather fill my cooking time with things like brownies or cookies. When I saw this recipe for egg roll apple pies from Spoon Fork Bacon, it immediately caught my attention. (Note, you should expect them to be a little crunchier than typical apple pie because they are made with egg roll wrappers, but I think it puts a whole new fun spin on traditional apple pie!)

By Chef in Training May 24, 2012 Yield: 12-16 egg rollsCook: 20 minsCuisine: AmericanCourse: DessertSkill Level: Easy A fun and easy twist on traditional apple pie Ingredients Instructions recipe adapted from: Spoon Fork Bacon Enjoy! The Easiest Mini Deep Dish Fruit Pizzas. Sundays at our house usually are our "treat making" day. Sundays are generally spent mostly as a family, going to church, then naps, then preparing a yummy dinner and treats together. Yesterday was deep dish mini fruit pizzas...the EASY way! This is a great recipe to make with your kids- you can see above Kaitlyn is the one rolling all the little balls of sugar cookie dough. Once you have them rolled into little 3/4 inch balls, place them in mini muffin pans and cook at 350 for 6-7 minutes. Be sure not to cook them too long.

Let them cool in the pan for just a couple minutes and then pop them out of the muffin tins. Here's my favorite, MOST easy recipe for the "frosting"- whip 1 room temperatire bar of cream cheese (8oz) until it's nice and smooth, then blend in a large container of cool whip and wala- the yummiest, easiest, fluffiest topping/frosting for your pizzas! This is what the final product should look like. When it comes to fruit, use whatever you like- the option are endless! Berries and Cream Cheese Monkey Bread | Monkey Bread Recipes | Amazing Moms. Apple Slice Carmel Apples. Chocolate Covered Banana Split Bites. Just a fairly simple recipe/idea from me today! I saw these banana split bites from Oh She Glows and I knew I had to try them, at least for the kids(although any excuse for dark chocolate, right? :D). Although, I obviously didn’t think of making them for the kids when I made them with toothpicks. It actually didn’t work too badly but they were a bit hard to hold onto and younger kids might have a hard time with them.

These are also pretty large so if you’re serving them to smaller children, you can obviously cut the fruit smaller. Even my 2 year old took quite a while to eat one, so next time I’d make smaller ones for her and these size for my 4 year old and myself I did end up making them again with popsicle sticks and they were way better. Just a thought, I’m actually pretty sure you could just stack the fruit and freeze them and they would stay together, but then again frozen fruit dipped in chocolate and little kids probably wouldn’t exactly be mess free. Makes about 24.