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Grouping a Nick: Why and How? « GeekShed IRC. So you’ve registered your nick, but have more than one computer/device that you join IRC from. You might be wondering “do I need to register a new nick and have people add that nick to access lists as well? Certainly there must be an easier way.” Well luckily for you, there is. You are able to group nicks together so that permissions and other data are shared among accounts. Some of the items that are shared include (but are not limited to): channel ownership, permission levels (owner, halfop, etc.) on channels, group info that was provided when you registered, password, and virtual host. Pretty much anything your single nick has associated with it will be associated with the group of nicks that you have registered.

Here’s how to group a nick to one that you already have registered: Switch to the nick that you want to group: Before you enter the next command, make sure that you are using the nick you want to add to your existing group. What Is .DS_Store And How To Remove It? What is .DS_Store? .DS_Store, which stands for Desktop Services Store is a hidden file created in every local folder in Mac OS X. This file stores custom attributes such as position of folder icons and the choice of background colors. By default it will be created in every local folder accessed by Mac OS X.

Since it is hidden, it’s not a big problem through, it acts a bit similar to Thumb.db which is created automatically in every folder in Windows Operating System. The question is why to remove .DS_Store when it is hidden in Mac OS X operating systems? Removing .DS_Store and Thumb.db Copy Folder From Mac to Windows = .DB_Store will become visible and annoyingCopy Folder From Windows to Mac = Thumb.db will become visible and annoying FolderWasher is a free tool for both Windows And Mac operating systems that removes .DB_Store and Thumb.db files from the folders instantly.

Jus drag and drop the folders that you want to clean in this tool and it will handle the rest itself. Enjoy! Advertisement. Game Music Extraction Guide. Introduction There was once a time when the music in a game was almost non-existent, or cringe-worthy at best. Most of the time it was electronic muzak of some kind and either you tuned it out mentally or turned it off it was so monotonous.

There have been a few games which did have nice tunes, but nothing you'd really want to burn to CD and play repeatedly. Nowadays computer games are getting more and more like Hollywood movies. Game developers are throwing large sums of money into making sure all aspects of a game, not just the graphics engine or the packaging and manual are highly professional.

This translates into much better voice acting, better quality in-game videos, and of course much, much better music. Some of it is so good now, it's released as a separate retail soundtrack on Audio CD. Free CSS3 Video Tutorials from Think Vitamin (Again) Back in March 2011 we reported that Think Vitamin were offering free access to their entire CSS3 Video Training Course for 24 hours only. I’m pleased to announce that this week I received an email from Alan Johnson at Think Vitamin letting me know that once again they’ve decided to offer free access to the entire CSS3 Video Training Course, minus the Master Class project – which is only available to paid members. However, this time there is no 24 hour time limit, with the videos being available for ‘the foreseeable future’ – however long that may prove to be. The collection includes over 50 videos, totalling over four hours of tutorials, ranging from CSS3 basics such as border-radius, box-shadow and CSS3 gradients, to more complex subjects including CSS3 selectors, transitions, animations and transforms.

So, if you missed them the first time around, or struggled to watch all 51 videos in 24 hours, here they are again. The full series of videos on offer is as follows: Borders Gradients. How To Download from Scribd *NEW - Q-tutorials | Quick Tutorials. For a new trick is actually not much different from the previous trick, we only need to replace our browser user-agent. Ok just how to download from scribd a whole new way. For Firefox users: 2. After you downloaded and installed, follow these steps: - Press tools>Default user agent > user agent switcher> options. - Then select the Download list of user agents to import... src=" border="0"> - And then save the file and select OK - You should do next is to import the file list before the user agent. 3.

Tools> default user agent> mobile devices> OS> Android> Android 0.5 - safari 419 4. Example: For Chrome users: 1. downloads user-agent switcher for chrome on chrome web store 2. 3. For opera users: Sorry I did not like using opera browser, so my computer is not installed that browser, sorry. sorry for my bad english, I am from indonesia :) Create a Destroyed City Scene using Photoshop. Start to Finish Guide to Whipping Your Music's Metadata into Shape. IRC Networks > Rizon > Channels. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 NEXT (14377 results) #HorribleSubs806 users[+Nntz]Connectmore info... Welcome to HorribleSubs! > Releases & packlists can be found at: MOTD: ( ゚ ゚ ー ゚ ゚)Support the HorribleSubs Empire!

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#gg424 users[+Ncntz]Connectmore info... [IRC Bots/XDCC/Downloads] gg|arutha + gg|nobiru + sadaharu + #news[Recruiting] Translators/Editors - msg mango-chan[PSA] No[Rules] You will be banned if you piss people off, bash David Tennant, or support Anita Sarkeesian[Allowed] League of Legends, saying anime sucks, group bashing, spoiling stuffShingeki delayed due to the hilarity of delaying it #FFFpeeps406 users[+Ncntz]Connectmore info... Kirika's IRC Guides :: Downloading. Tutorials.