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Raising 'natural' children

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Can Indoor Swimming Alter Hormones in Boys? 4 Cheap and Easy Ways to Protect Against Swimming Pool Chemicals. With the promise of hot summer days just around the corner, talking about the health risks of swimming pool chemicals is just a buzz kill.

4 Cheap and Easy Ways to Protect Against Swimming Pool Chemicals

So bear with me for a moment while I mention that aside from red eyes, dry itchy skin, and green hair, swimming in chlorinated water has been linked to quite a list of serious ailments. According to Joseph Mercola: Your body absorbs more chlorine, and more importantly disinfection byproducts (DBPs) [such as chloramine], by swimming in a chlorinated pool than you would by drinking tap water for one week. Disinfection byproducts are far more serious than chlorine.

They form when the chlorine in your pool water reacts with organic matter such as skin and hair. Growing up, we spent every summer day at the local pool from the time it opened til they ran the bell at sundown. 3 health problems linked to swimming pool chemicals: My six year old recently decided he wants to play the sport “where you tread water and play soccer” . #1 – Swim outdoors. Disclaimer. Delaying Cord Clamping Explained! (VIDEO) When your baby is born, there are so many things that happen so quickly, but each one of them has rhyme, reason ... and repercussions.

Delaying Cord Clamping Explained! (VIDEO)

The general theme that the ACOG, March of Dimes, and many other medical organizations have been trying to make clear to people is this: Patience. We need it. Don Recommends Fewer Drugs, Less Medical Testing and More REAL Wellness Coaching by Doctors and Other Caregivers: Part One. There are more than 7,500 parts in the human body; it sometimes seems there are drugs and tests for every one of them.

Don Recommends Fewer Drugs, Less Medical Testing and More REAL Wellness Coaching by Doctors and Other Caregivers: Part One

A recent article in The Washington Post identified 45 common tests that nine different medical groups have declared are either unnecessary or overdone, including colonoscopies—the subject of two essays I recently posted at Trusted MD. In addition to the 45 testing procedures, the seven most common of which will be identified momentarily, it is worth noting that spending on medicines in the U.S. grew in 2011 to $320 billion. (See Brian Vastag, "Doctors Groups Call for End to Unnecessary Procedures," 04/04/2012.) How does a nation of 313,303,160 (as of 7 PM on 04/04/12, according to the U.S.

Census Bureau) manage to function in such a drugged condition? But, enough about drug consumption—let me focus on the unnecessary testing issue. Avoid applying Vicks VapoRub to babies, pediatricians say - Health. Parents should not apply Vicks VapoRub, the salve used to relieve symptoms of cough and congestion, to children under the age of two, doctors warn.

Avoid applying Vicks VapoRub to babies, pediatricians say - Health

Dr. Bruce Rubin, the lead author of a study on the ointment, from the department of pediatrics at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, in Winston Salem, N.C., and his colleagues became interested in the effects of Vicks VapoRub on young children when they cared for an 18-month-old girl who developed severe respiratory distress after the salve was put directly under her nose. Procter & Gamble's product label warns it is not indicated for children under two. But Rubin said some parents may still choose to use it for a sick child, usually by rubbing the salve on the feet or chest. "The ingredients in Vicks can be irritants, causing the body to produce more mucus to protect the airway," said Rubin. Pisces Parent, Scorpio Parent. Dare to Raise Your Kids Drug Free. We teach our children about drugs - what they are, not to take them, how to avoid them, how they harm their bodies and distort their minds - but what about the drugs we as parents give to our children when they have a runny nose, fever, sore throat or the scheduled immunizations?

Dare to Raise Your Kids Drug Free

Is there really any difference? Well, yes there is a difference, yet those over-the-counter and prescription drugs, like their illegal counter-parts, canand do ultimately cause harm to our children's bodies. But do we dare to raise our children without the use of drugs? Most people would say it's impossible. Granted, there are times when drugs are what's needed and they should not be totally avoided, but most of the time natural alternatives are the safest and more beneficial road to take. Too often I see and hear of parents taking their children to the doctor for colds, coughs and flu, usually within the first day or two of symptoms. Antibiotics are one of the most over used drugs. Don't Be a Helicopter Parent: Tips to Avoid Hovering. Are you a helicopter parent who hovers?

Don't Be a Helicopter Parent: Tips to Avoid Hovering

Credit: Tobyotter As a parent, it’s my job to protect my kiddos. But it’s also my job to let them experience life. Mistakes, skinned knees and other various childhood experiences allow kids to bekids and let them grow up into the well-rounded adults they will hopefully become. I read an article recently about “helicopter parents” who are constantly hovering in the lives of their kids. So how can you protect your child without overparenting? 1. 2. 3. Thanks to Mary Jo for the reminder! Productivity Hacks to Teach Our Kids: Raising Productive Children. PlanetBox - Stainless Steel, Eco friendly, Metal Lunchbox and Lunch Containers.